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    C W B

    I have to wonder why all the screaming about the CWB If you think you can market your grain better than them I think you should give your head a shake just look at the mess we are in with cattle . How do you think it would be any different.
    I am too young to have first hand knoledge of before the CWB but I know the producer fought hard to rid themselves of the monobilistc grain companys then.
    If you think you are big enough to make world sales I think your in a pipe dream and if you think that the yanks are going to let you waltz down there with piles of grain then I would like some of that seed you are smoking . There may be some benifet to those against the border but there would be mega harm to the bulk of producers.

    Horse: What is this knowledge you proclaim to have about how farmers fought to rid themselves of the evil monobilistc grain companys, as you call them.

    My understanding is that the Canadian Government set up the CWB to insure cheap wheat for Europe because the German U boats were taking a huge toll during the Second World War.

    The only monopoly I see imposed on western Canada and the Wheat and Barley we produce, is the Canadian Wheat Board. I guarantee you this CWB crap imposed from afar would never see the light of day in any place that had any culture or pride.

    Clearly, the people of Quebec have made it clear that they will take matters into their own hands rather than subject their culture and their pride to bureacrats in Ottawa.

    And we all know that the "Canadian" Wheat Board DOES NOT APPLY to the good people of Upper Canada ie: Ontario.

    In western Canada we seem to be plagued by a pathetic culture of poor farmers who just couldn't make it without the Canadian Wheat Board, or some other lord and master to direct their lives.

    This country doesn't need more whiners, but it could use a few more fighters.


      Ya lost me. What does this have to do with cattle exactly? Or would this be more appropriate under crops or commodity marketing?


        Wbroser THE CWB AS WE KNOW IT TODAY WAS ENACTED IN 1943 after the first attempt in 1917 i think then in the 1920s the farmers tired of being riped off started what became the pools them the govmt steped in when it hit hard times and then in 43 the war effort made it the only selling agent for western grain why the east was not included I dont know mabey some one out there does.
        I along with 60 odd % of farmers still think it a valuable tool in marketing but there are those who wont be happy until the US companys own the grain business the same as the packers are now
        Kway my point in bringing up the CWB on the beef line is that grain and beef are related very close and if we lose the wheat board to the US we may just as well pack up all of agri.


          1917 the Bolshevik's take over Russia........... 2004 they still hold a monopoly over wheat producers in western Canada.

          If you are going to "pack up", the Bering Straight is just a tad to the North West of you, on the north side of the garlic curtain.


            Explain yourself Horse about `losing the wheat board`.Are you saying with the `close relationship of cattle to grain` the cattle industry will suffer if we `lose` the wheat board?How could a free market cattleman worry about the wheat board?


              Wbrower you must be a tory (if you dont like it get out attitude) I could say the same if you dont like the CWB move where there is not one
              Cropduster my point is if left to people like Wbrowsre we will sell the farm to the yanks and have no say because it will be forien owned


                Horse,is that what happened to the cattle industry?Foreign owned?No one was actively complaining about foreign ownership the last few years of good prices.


                  Just a short comment. You guys keep voting in the Wheat board...or at least the single desk delegates. And the voter participation is fairly high. That tells me the majority wants to keep the single desk? Isn't that democracy in action?


                    Cowman are you sure you don't live in Saskatchewan?


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