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Well then "Tell it like it is"

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    Well then "Tell it like it is"

    Shirley McClellan was just on Rutherford defending the BSE compensation program. Finally starting to agree that the Packers took the lions share in a round about way to eventually pay the farmer in a round about way.

    Why not just say it like it is then.

    Why keep making the farmer out to be the begging dog that he has been portrayed as for generations.

    "We paid the Packing industry monopoly (mostly American owned) taxpayers money to let them decide how much of it to dole out to the producers of Alberta, be it feedlot man or cow/calf producer."

    Don't worry, I don't think we've heard the last of this story.

    Once the media thinks they've sniffed out a good story they won't leave it alone. (I hope!)


      It seems Premier Klein has finally lost his touch over trying to handle BSE by shovelling truckloads of cash at the packers with him storming out of a media scrum unhappy with the truth. We had an old dog that turned nasty after it got a little long in the tooth too, we all know what happened when old Yeller started to slobber. On the positive side, perhaps Premier Klein will engage in a bit more cooperation with the rest of confederation in solving a national problem like BSE and a little more humility in future issues like health care, CPP, RCMP, CWB etc. If you want to have any friends you have to try being one once in a while.


        Ralph definitely needs to be skidded! In reality he never was worth a damn but he plays well with the old rednecks out in Alberta! The man has a knack for saying stupid things and getting his foot stuck in his mouth!
        Every Albertan should be embarassed by this clown we have for a premier. From his bonehead comments about shoot, shovel, shutup to his abusing the bums and then bawling on TV about it. And his latest tirade where he said it made him sick to give the cattle industry $400 million when he could have given it to the hospitals or schools! This is leadership material? Only in Alberta!


          How did we know this issue would bring out the Ralph Bashers. To bad it has to be a political game. Had to be the NDP jumping on the "lets grap three or four votes while we can" bandwagon who spilled the beans. Yes government needs to be accountable, but come on cowman, who will do it better. Everyone hates the elected officials lately but I don't see any credible alternatives. NDP to me means more government involvement and I guarantee that would lead to more beuracratic boondoggles.

          Besides, a lot of us kind of like our little clown of a Premier. But then some of us also like Ozzy, and even appreciate the much oppinionated "cowman". Controversy entertains. Your (cowman) explicit desciptions always keep me coming back.

          I don't think we can argue that calf prices were propped up by some trickle down money, but I plan to write another letter to the little guy who pisses the same initials in the snow as me, and ask him to admit that this was an industry bailout that went mainly to the big industry, not to the family farm.


            Well I'm glad that I can provide the entertainment at least! And I have to relectantly agree with you on the "Who can do better". Which I really find sad.
            It is such a disheartening feeling to know Ralph Klein is the best that Alberta can do...almost makes me wonder why even bother voting.
            I suspect Jim Dinning would make a good leader but I doubt he would run.
            I find it discouraging.


              RpKaiser: I wonder if being "opinionated" is a good thing? I will agree I don't like thieves and crooks or bumbling fools, whether they be George Bush or Ralph Klein! Maybe I need to have an attitude adjustment or something because somehow I just don't go with the flow? I've always had that problem...all my life!
              Do you think maybe reeducation at a Politically correct government think tank might help me? Because I seem to have this uncanny ability to detect BS when I see it? And quite frankly Ralph is the biggest piece of BS I've ever seen! And yet it bothers me that everyone else sees this cretin as the second coming of Christ! I must be wrong? I must need help?


                Im not sure we would want Mr Dinning I think he had more than a large part of deregulation of the electrical industry then got an apointment to the board of TAU. But we can always go to ontario for another good old boy mabey next time lucky First Ralph and then Stockwell who next Mr Chretian If he was to run tory he would get elected here in good old Alta.


                  cowman --- Sure being opinionated is a good thing, and don't worry you are quite normal.I don't like theives or crooks either however I do enjoy bumbling fools. Sometimes we need some sense of escapism in this world that really isn't all that bad. King Ralph supplies me with some of that. I did invite him out to my little piece of natural paradise once to have a beer and piss his initials in the snow beside mine. Someday he might come.
                  I realize that we live in a "have" province that any bumbling fool could run, but I would tend to shy away from calling this poor little soul a crook.
                  He his simply living within his means and doing the best he can to survive just like the rest of us monkey descendants on this planet. Rather than a trip to a government think tank, try a weekend in Alberta Hospital to adjust your attitude. It's really a wonderful life!!!


                    Aha there it is! Just what I need a trip to the nut house! Unfortunately no can do...too busy trying to make a living!
                    I guess in the end it doesn't really matter that our governments are screw ups. They really don't have much effect on whether we make it or not. It's up to us whether we sink or swim...always has been, always will! I sometimes wonder if we'd be better off with absolutely no government?


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