Ok Sean I see we are saying the same things but you are better at explaining them than I am. I am wondering how many of thease gene marker sires have had ultasound done them as well as leptin testing, or how do they determine this status (I am not familar with this but have heard about it). I have seen a few bulls in our breed (about 10 charolais) that have tested tt, but have not seen any ultasound results on them. I am more interested in ultasound on them to determine backfat measurements. Like you saying a bull with 2mm and a bull with 7mm may test the same on leptin but I would use the 2mm long before the 7 because management may have had an influence on the marbling. Then learning to read ultasound is another key factor most of us have just got EPDs figured out then throw all this other stuff at them, they leave scrathing their head I have seen this many times at bull sales. So you are sometimes better off to just to keep your mouth shut.In another thread a fellow talked about cow freshners and he is right. It is hard to keep up with technolgy. The Calgary Stampede puts on a Carcass evaluation seminar This is good place to start well worth the money, if you are into cattle. Thank you for your input sean it has helped me clarify some things I was not sure of.
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