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$500 miillion to $1 billion for BSE Aid to farmers in upcoming budget!!

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    $500 miillion to $1 billion for BSE Aid to farmers in upcoming budget!!

    Hopefully it will take forever like all the progams so far.

    so. I'm still feeding my calves as many of you are. Alberta put in $400 million and we have not seen a penny. Canada wide is going to be given $500 million which to my thought train means less for our province than what alberta already put in. Can we get less than we've already recieved? Namely 0. But maybe I'm just cynical, all's still well according to our powers that be.


      Send the check! I'll be waiting!


        Am thinking if there is going to be a federal election in June, the checks will come out quite quickly but if it is planned for later on in the year then the checks will take longer. Just the rantings of a cynical old farmer to, so you have to take that it into consideration lol.


          Goverment are not litening to the cow-calf guys, no money for mature cows or bulls just calves as of december 31 2003. More help for the feedlot!!!!


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