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Western Standard

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    Western Standard

    I received a free first issue if a new magazine called the Western Standard. It was in our mail box this morning, and I read most of it this afternoon and this evening between cows calving and helping to put the boy to sleep. It's certainly got a Western Twang to it, and they don't pull any punches. There was a really good article in there submitted by Will Verboven, editor of Alberta Beef. In it he talks about how the BSE crisis has been handled politically, and I encourage anyone interested to find a copy and read it.
    This magazine also offers other goodies too. Like a list of flights made by the Liberals, and the costs associated with those flights. Such as a September 2002 trip, where the Challenger jet flew from Ottawa to Helsinki, Finland - EMPTY - to pick up the then intergovernmental minister Stephane Dion, and take him back to Ottawa. The bill? $43,320, not including maintenance and salaries of flight crews. Now tell me please, how does this happen in a democratic country over and over again, without open rebellion, revolution, or assassination? I know it was a movie but a line from Mel Gibsons' Braveheart comes to mind that I couldn't agree with more. In speaking to 'politicians', he stated:

    You think the people of this country exist to provide you with a position. I think your position exists to provide them with freedom.

    Now, when is there going to come a day when we've had enough? Paul Martin announced today that it will be his priority ..."come Hell or high water"... to change the ways of government, and change the way people feel about the government. I don't think he realizes that he's only got 25-30 years left in this life. Because if peoples' attitudes changed as quickly as he hopes, we probably would have ousted the ruling dictatorship long ago.

    I doubt Paul Martin will be able to change very much of anything but the thought is nice? Politics is a dirty business and nothing would change if another party got in...just a different set of bagmen? Was the Mulrooney government any better? How about the NDP in BC? Or for that matter the gang in Edmonton? That's just how it is!
    So what can you do? Vote for the guy who might throw you a few crumbs! If Bob Speller comes up with some cash for western beef farmers, and DELIVERS, then I would suggest he is the man to vote for! Who is promising you more? The Conservatives? The NDP?
    That may be a bit cynical but is probably reality?


      Yeah.....Show me the money


        This business of farming in general reminds me of an old joke
        one time two fellers were walking in the mountians and happened upon a grizzley bear the first say what are we going to do the other guy stoped to put on his running shoes the first guy said what are you doing you cant outrun that bear and the second fella said I dont have to outrun the bear I just have to outrun you.
        Dont that sound a lot like agriculture today . The hog man trying to get the beef mans share and the feather man trying to get the hog mans and on and on it goes all the while the people down stream just smile and watch us do each other in.


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