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CAIS .... Again

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    CAIS .... Again

    I'm getting sick of hearing advice to "join CAIS" and "farmers must get the finger out and join up before the deadline".
    As a recent entrant to farming here I don't have 5 years of records so obviously if I joined it would be a complicated procedure. That's why I sent the form in on November 26 last year and still they have not got back to me to ask for information. Has anyone else had trouble getting action out of CAIS?

    Yeah, they gave me the run around too.
    After contacting them five times, they finally told me that I need to fax or mail in the last five years of my income tax, along with my S.I.N. and the reason why I want to apply for the C.A.I.S. program.
    The fax number is: 204-983-3947
    The mailing address is:
    CAIS Administration
    Box 3200
    Winnipeg, MB
    R3C 5R7
    Contact by phone: 1-866-367-8506
    Federal Gov't website for CAIS:
    I hope you have better luck with them than I have, which so far is pretty poor.


      Yeah,I have had problems too.I formed a company in 2002 and stopped farming under my own name.In August 2003 I received a letter requesting the last 4 years for my company and another letter asking for the 2002 year for myself.I phoned and told them what had happened and they were to use the pevious 4 years off my own recrds to get the reference margin for my company.In Jan. I got a letter requesting the last year again under my own name.I phoned again and told them the situation.Yes thats fine we'll do that they said and made a note of it on my file.I still have not got my reference margins after calling them three times since Jan.,each time finding out they thought they needed more info.I'm running out of patience.


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