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    CWB Ad IN ABP Mag

    What with all the talk of closed borders/markets is ABP that hard-up they have to take an ad from from a monopoly organization???????????????Sure gives a twisted view to me !!!

    Dont worry our caped crusader is going to get rid of it even if he dont know what barley has to do with his beer.


      Alberta Beef Producers don't publish Alberta Beef magazine it's published by Creative motion publishing. My understanding is that the ABP board supports choice for producers marketing grain in western canada.


        Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe it was only recently that the ABP started to support a dual market? I mean after all the CWB has been pretty beneficial to the feedlots? And never forget the ABP/ACC did everything in their power to get the CROW killed! Why? Well they wanted cheap feed grain, don't you see? And they didn't want to have to compete fairly with those foreign buyers. And without a doubt they needed to force the peasants into raising more calves! Was this good for Joe Average farmer? Well no. We either had to go into more cows or start growing something that would pay the freight! The small grain farmer with a few cows was soon pretty well obsolete!
        If you ever wonder how come the west went from a vibrant rural economy to close to oblivian in about thirty years, all you have to do is look at our "leaders" in the farm industry and those mental giants we have in Ottawa?


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