CattleAnnie I to sold all my replacement hiefers to pay bills. Maybe I didnt quite relay my point very well,but you did "everyone needs to stick together and not point fingers" is exactly it. One sector or the other doesn't need to feel slighted if they were not directly supported finacially but to look at the greater good and long term viablity of the industry. Yes there are going to be casualties because of BSE and no things willnot return to pre BSE times for sometime. We need to look forward,and create ways for cow/calf, backgrounders, finishers to become more viable and stable.
I am sorry if I insulted anyone but it does get tiresome listenning to people say that they should get this or that and not the other guy. I grain farm, commercial cows, purebred herd of cows, background 1 to 400 head of calves at any given time,and custom feed cows. I'm a guy with a family on a third generation farm doing what ever it take to keep this farm going so my kids can do the same if they want. I'm grateful for what I have and do and I wish more people would come across the same way instead of saying that the other guy got more than he deserved.
I am sorry if I insulted anyone but it does get tiresome listenning to people say that they should get this or that and not the other guy. I grain farm, commercial cows, purebred herd of cows, background 1 to 400 head of calves at any given time,and custom feed cows. I'm a guy with a family on a third generation farm doing what ever it take to keep this farm going so my kids can do the same if they want. I'm grateful for what I have and do and I wish more people would come across the same way instead of saying that the other guy got more than he deserved.