Your scour remedy worked so well, I've got another question. You may have to start your own website! The main cow herd isn't due yet for about a week. 6 days ago I started a new silage pile and got some mold in the first batch. Not sure if that's the connection but a couple days later I've got a premi on my hands. Small, short hair,cow has little milk, etc. I've been keeping it alive for 4 days now but it just isn't picking up any. Stand it up and it wonders around quite listless and its feet are swollen? Sure don't want to put a bunch of money into it as I've got a twin I can rob that was born the same day. Any suggestion or word of hope. Or just cut my loses now?
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4 days isn't very long for a baby. Keep her warm and give her a little exter care. If she makes it and it sounds like she will, she will take right off and catch up to her brothers and sister. The only loss will be if you give up before the baby does.
Premi's will sleep more because she is a premi.
Well I don't know what to tell you!
From lots of experience over a lot of years I've usually found that small weak type calves usually don't make having said that, what would I do? Well I'd try to keep her going. I like to give them all a chance at life.
Maybe it doesn't make sense from an economic point of view but I'd still take a shot at it. But that is just me and you have to make that decision. Sorry I had no magic answers!
That's ok. I've got this far by being ornery and stubborn. I'll just keep nursing her 'til she gets better or starts suffering. Spent over two weeks once getting a cow to adopt a calf. I've proved my economic stupidity so many times I really shouldn't worry about that anyhow. Just hoping for that magical tip.Thanks.
We used to have an old scottish vet that got us going on an injectable multi-vitamin called Vitamaster {or Nucells} that he said "gave them an appetite".We use it on all newborns.
Seems to get them up quicker.
You never know if it really helps but it makes you feel better to think you are doing something.Also seems to help some cold calves sometimes.
Thanks all! We give them all vit A orally at birth along with a shot of selenium. Haven't tried the nucells(?) yet but will see if I can find some next trip to town. Calf is actually improving, was up trying to nurse on it's own this afternoon. Looks like it'll make it. Thanks again.
Just reading your thread & wondering abt the swollen feet. Are they still swollen? Did this calf get real cold at any time. If so this could mean trouble if limbs were frozen. We have had good success with multi-vitamins increasing appetite too. We sometimes also give a shot of pepto bismal (can't hurt). Good luck
No frozen feet. Born in 10, 0 at nite. Kept in the barn. First joints still swollen but not as much. They were swollen right at birth. It was actually behaving more like a calf than a dishrag tonite so it's looking more positive anyhow. Thanks. Think I'll take a shot of pepto myself.
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