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Drought plans............

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    Drought plans............

    Just curious how everyone is looking moisture wise? Not looking pretty here and thinking of putting some plans in place.

    We have fed/ supplemented the pairs and yearlings on pasture in the past with pellets or lower cost feed grain when it was dry. Grain was cheaper those years and it became a nearly full time job with the hauling, processing, and feeding. Not looking to do that again for my pocketbook or schedule.

    If the rains came and the grass grew like normal we’d be fine but with every day that seems further from the truth. Thinking of selling the yearling steers to free up some grass for the heifers and cows. We’d rather keep them till Christmas or so when we normally sell them but not sure if we should chance it. We have plenty of carryover silage so winter feed isn’t a concern.

    Normally moving out to grass for us is last week of May or June 1st. Just don’t want to be unloading them when everyone else is............ either being first or last seems to work for us.

    When does everyone else make the tough call .............. before, during, or after the moo poo hits fan?

    Thanks 🍀

    Originally posted by woodland View Post
    Just curious how everyone is looking moisture wise? Not looking pretty here and thinking of putting some plans in place.

    We have fed/ supplemented the pairs and yearlings on pasture in the past with pellets or lower cost feed grain when it was dry. Grain was cheaper those years and it became a nearly full time job with the hauling, processing, and feeding. Not looking to do that again for my pocketbook or schedule.

    If the rains came and the grass grew like normal we’d be fine but with every day that seems further from the truth. Thinking of selling the yearling steers to free up some grass for the heifers and cows. We’d rather keep them till Christmas or so when we normally sell them but not sure if we should chance it. We have plenty of carryover silage so winter feed isn’t a concern.

    Normally moving out to grass for us is last week of May or June 1st. Just don’t want to be unloading them when everyone else is............ either being first or last seems to work for us.

    When does everyone else make the tough call .............. before, during, or after the moo poo hits fan?

    Thanks 🍀
    If you got winter feed taken care of could you graze some hay land or sow some cereals for grazing? Sucks to downsize if you dont want to.

    We are dry too, but have been reluctant to hope for rain cause we seem to go from one extreme to the other here. Alfalfa greening up pretty good here but grass hasnt changed much. Early poplar trees leafing out, and starting to see some volunteer barley poking through.

    Looks like next weekend might bring some moisture, maybe your worries will get washed away!


      Originally posted by woodland View Post
      Just curious how everyone is looking moisture wise? Not looking pretty here and thinking of putting some plans in place.

      We have fed/ supplemented the pairs and yearlings on pasture in the past with pellets or lower cost feed grain when it was dry. Grain was cheaper those years and it became a nearly full time job with the hauling, processing, and feeding. Not looking to do that again for my pocketbook or schedule.

      If the rains came and the grass grew like normal we’d be fine but with every day that seems further from the truth. Thinking of selling the yearling steers to free up some grass for the heifers and cows. We’d rather keep them till Christmas or so when we normally sell them but not sure if we should chance it. We have plenty of carryover silage so winter feed isn’t a concern.

      Normally moving out to grass for us is last week of May or June 1st. Just don’t want to be unloading them when everyone else is............ either being first or last seems to work for us.

      When does everyone else make the tough call .............. before, during, or after the moo poo hits fan?

      Thanks 🍀
      Woodland I live east of Red Deer. Certainly dry here as well as there was little run off and little moisture since. Hay and pasture land doesn’t look promising. I certainly appreciate with as many cattle as you run your concern. We only calve out about 160 cows but still a lot of work to feed on pasture. I have kept some barley and have some carry over hay. At present not considering downsizing.


        I’m not far from Hamloc. Yes it’s dry. At the same time it’s early and chilly... this week things are starting to finally green up. I think part of the stress has been no snow for so long yet nothing growing that makes it feel like nothing is going to grow and that we’re behind. We’re behind because of the cold nights, not so much the moisture (at least pasture wise. Crops are a different story)

        I think May is going to be the answer. See how things kick in and grow. See if we get any/much rain.

        But to answer the sell question.... well I would say on the safe side sell them now. If people panic and don’t wait out May you could hit the time the market is flooded. I haven’t looked at the reports lately but now is grasser season so you could get some good deals if someone has the grass for them. The big guys like sending good lots of yearlings out for the summer. That way if it turns real dry you aren’t over doing the pastures and if the rain comes and you have lots of grass you can give some places that may need it a rest. Have a good stockpile for fall grazing. Maybe be open for good buys if deals come around.

        Or meet in the middle. Sell half.


          Thanks everyone for your replies. Been a little distracted by calving as there is way more twins than normal. Just hit the halfway mark today and running over 100% is unheard of for us in a good way.

          We got a tenth on Saturday night and my in-laws 50km NE of here got more than that and lots of black clouds rolled over. Now “they” are calling for 10-25 mm Tuesday and the weekend so we kinda set a deadline of Sunday night to evaluate it. Hopefully some beer clouds will arrive and solve all these problems..........

          We already have plans to fence and graze all the hay around home and all the crop land close by is going to grazing corn due to the growing herd. The only ground left is crop land 12-20 miles away and mostly rented on shares so.............. it’ll have to stay that way.

          I’d really like to hang on to these guys and maybe the inflation that has hit everything else will drag them up too. Time will tell if that’s wishful thinking or just being delusional ....................

          I find it very interesting seeing the ear tags of yearlings matching up with the pairs as I tag them daily.

          P.S. I love our cows🍀

          Last nights two for one package deal


            Getting any moisture Woodland? We got about 3 tenths so far and now changing to snow. We will take it! Even though it's cold this am the grass already looks greener.


              Originally posted by GDR View Post
              Getting any moisture Woodland? We got about 3 tenths so far and now changing to snow. We will take it! Even though it's cold this am the grass already looks greener.
              I had the same question GDR for Woodland. Raining here but no snow yet, although it is snowing in Red Deer to the west of me so I assume it is coming.


                Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                I had the same question GDR for Woodland. Raining here but no snow yet, although it is snowing in Red Deer to the west of me so I assume it is coming.
                He is just too busy for Agriville this am. Sorting through his collection of old used rubber boots trying to find 2 that dont have holes in them!


                  Originally posted by GDR View Post
                  He is just too busy for Agriville this am. Sorting through his collection of old used rubber boots trying to find 2 that dont have holes in them!
                  Hmmmm.... my rubber boots have had holes in them since last year and it hasn’t really been much of a problem😉

                  Actually ended up with 3/4 inch and it’s always amazing to watch the grass grow through the night while checking cows. The stress level has dropped immensely with the moisture. The grass is coming nicely and the fire is under control to the west of us after two days of chaos. We were on call with trailers and a pen ready in case the wind changed to relocate a friends herd that was a mile from the fire. Burned 5500 acres and a couple of yards but could have been much much worse. Had six water bombers, lots of fire crews and yellow iron for two days. Going to be fighting in the muskegs for quite a while though. They did a great job.

                  Not sure how we’d manage moving the pairs that are falling out currently in a hurry if we had to from here? Dry cows or yearlings could be roaded cross country but day old calves would be disaster. Makes a guy think a little...........

                  Back on topic........ since we can’t go to the casino (don’t anyway) we’re all in on keeping the yearlings now. Now if our old shrapnel can hang in there to get the kernels in the ground we’ll be set..........

                  Looking north tonight. Perks of the night shift. 😎

                  View of the fire lighting up the western sky Thursday night. This crappy iPhone picture doesn’t do it justice.

                  Now back to tube a calf and see what other surprises the cows left me in the field tonight. Hit 2/3 done calving which is nice. Maybe get some sleep even after that.......... haven’t gotten much the last few days.

                  Fun times🍀


                    Originally posted by GDR View Post
                    He is just too busy for Agriville this am. Sorting through his collection of old used rubber boots trying to find 2 that dont have holes in them!
                    An interesting task for the working day. Why not buy a pair of new boots and not throw away the old ones?


                      Originally posted by Challenger007 View Post
                      An interesting task for the working day. Why not buy a pair of new boots and not throw away the old ones?
                      Might have been a touch of sarcasm in the previous post………. Although we’re just poor bovine herders here so a little thriftiness is necessary😉

                      Actually tried to buy new insulated rubber boots the other day since UFA had them on sale but none in stock……… like a lot of things these days



                        The girls and boys are all out on grass🍀 …………….. finally ……………… hopefully it grows fast than they’re making it disappear 😉


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