Sorry if I struck a nerve cswilson but I have a problem when people use a statement like " The problem with lesser known breeds is the shortage of quality breeding stock". Nice to know that you are brave enough to try the South Devons, and I'll bet you have a little extra sales ability when you need to market those calves to your order buyers.
What I would like to know is "what is the definition of quality when you go to choose from the large number of Angus bulls out there? EPD's, weaning weight, yearling weight, rib eye area per hundred pounds, frame size, feet and legs,or how about feed conversion, or net feed efficiency.
Once again I would like to suggest it is simply a matter of numbers and the pressure by your order buyers. I guess your statement about choice from large numbers is also viable, however this statement says nothing about quality to me.
I would also suggest that a larger percentage of "what I would call" quality bulls are castrated among breeds like South Devon, Galloway, or the other lesser numbered breeds than our industry dominating Angus.
I cannot say enough about being breed neutral. I think every breed has it's place. But continuing to believe that Angus rule because of quality is simply obserd.
What I would like to know is "what is the definition of quality when you go to choose from the large number of Angus bulls out there? EPD's, weaning weight, yearling weight, rib eye area per hundred pounds, frame size, feet and legs,or how about feed conversion, or net feed efficiency.
Once again I would like to suggest it is simply a matter of numbers and the pressure by your order buyers. I guess your statement about choice from large numbers is also viable, however this statement says nothing about quality to me.
I would also suggest that a larger percentage of "what I would call" quality bulls are castrated among breeds like South Devon, Galloway, or the other lesser numbered breeds than our industry dominating Angus.
I cannot say enough about being breed neutral. I think every breed has it's place. But continuing to believe that Angus rule because of quality is simply obserd.