Grassfarmer, I hope that your not labelling me to strongly. I have great admiration for our hard working natives both past and present. I'm just having a little trouble visualizing the future and trying to find a place of harmony.
I'm glad you have so much to learn from the Hutterites. Don't forget for to look at the situation holistically and remember that children must not be allowed to ice skate, bike ride, or play with any musical instrument. We could all learn how to sing again though! They do a remarkable job with only a tuning pitch to learn from as no instruments are allowed on the colony.
The children are held in oppression and forced to submit before being allowed a wife. The women, which are the glue of the colony, are secured behind the walls of the colony. With no driving experience, no room for individual expression, no high school education and virtually no career advancement. A hutterite woman feels fullfilled with 10 kids. These women are extremely content. They would not know how to function any other way.
Their success is not scale and diversity breeding success and efficiency. My grandparents were as diversified as any colony and worked hard enough to reach great economy of scale. But they allowed their girls higher education and encouraged democratic principles not communist.
Their boys were given choices re. farming vs education and some went both directions.
If these new farm communities you speak of formed and were allowed to double acreage every 25 years, what would happen when all available land touched other communal lands?
I'm all for working cooperatively but the race is on and they are way out in the lead. Therefore, they are the favorites to win. Oh sure some of us are fast enough and clever enough to let our individual charm shine through but the staying power of the leading horses will displace us as there is only so much space available at this feedbunk we call Canadian praire.
In addition, it is not that I'm hypocritical using them to procure meds. It is in this fine country of ours that they can get supplies where I would have to be a Vet to get the same stuff. I'm glad they occasionally share! But, once again if they want something they get it. I am much more bound to the laws of the land.
How would we ever beat down chemical and agricultural implement companies by working together? I'm already a member of UFA.
I obviously admire the strengths of the colony but there is not much to learn from them except to monitor new technology. I make my living off the land but I send my children into the world to learn piano,guitar,trumpet, play sports(they love skating), and off to 4-H and Air Cadets.
Do you see any way like minded farmers can be drawn into tight knit circles? I love where I'm at but if someone can take time from busy schedules to form a template that fits my networth and theirs I'll sure look at it.
I bet you look good in them rose colored glasses!
I'm glad you have so much to learn from the Hutterites. Don't forget for to look at the situation holistically and remember that children must not be allowed to ice skate, bike ride, or play with any musical instrument. We could all learn how to sing again though! They do a remarkable job with only a tuning pitch to learn from as no instruments are allowed on the colony.
The children are held in oppression and forced to submit before being allowed a wife. The women, which are the glue of the colony, are secured behind the walls of the colony. With no driving experience, no room for individual expression, no high school education and virtually no career advancement. A hutterite woman feels fullfilled with 10 kids. These women are extremely content. They would not know how to function any other way.
Their success is not scale and diversity breeding success and efficiency. My grandparents were as diversified as any colony and worked hard enough to reach great economy of scale. But they allowed their girls higher education and encouraged democratic principles not communist.
Their boys were given choices re. farming vs education and some went both directions.
If these new farm communities you speak of formed and were allowed to double acreage every 25 years, what would happen when all available land touched other communal lands?
I'm all for working cooperatively but the race is on and they are way out in the lead. Therefore, they are the favorites to win. Oh sure some of us are fast enough and clever enough to let our individual charm shine through but the staying power of the leading horses will displace us as there is only so much space available at this feedbunk we call Canadian praire.
In addition, it is not that I'm hypocritical using them to procure meds. It is in this fine country of ours that they can get supplies where I would have to be a Vet to get the same stuff. I'm glad they occasionally share! But, once again if they want something they get it. I am much more bound to the laws of the land.
How would we ever beat down chemical and agricultural implement companies by working together? I'm already a member of UFA.
I obviously admire the strengths of the colony but there is not much to learn from them except to monitor new technology. I make my living off the land but I send my children into the world to learn piano,guitar,trumpet, play sports(they love skating), and off to 4-H and Air Cadets.
Do you see any way like minded farmers can be drawn into tight knit circles? I love where I'm at but if someone can take time from busy schedules to form a template that fits my networth and theirs I'll sure look at it.
I bet you look good in them rose colored glasses!