Cakadu is on the money once again! As an industry we need to find the market for the packaged product before we build the packing plants. Are the markets in our major cities like Montreal or Toronto flooded with beef? Where are the packing plants going to sell their product? These are the serious questions that needed to be answered first! What is going to stop the big packing plants from doubling up their capacity?
As far I am concerned the only one that should be building another major packing plant (IF NEEDED) is our ABP or CCA. The only reason is all producers share in it because of the checkoff!
We need to leave the small marketers like Cakadu , Kaiser , NERVES to do their thing because if we all switch to trying to market our beef locally we will end up cutting are own throats price wise!
As far I am concerned the only one that should be building another major packing plant (IF NEEDED) is our ABP or CCA. The only reason is all producers share in it because of the checkoff!
We need to leave the small marketers like Cakadu , Kaiser , NERVES to do their thing because if we all switch to trying to market our beef locally we will end up cutting are own throats price wise!