I agree there isn't enough return to cow calf producers but the answer isnt sending subsidy cheques in the mail. A marketing board/ quota system may work but not too many ranchers would like that idea. Only other way to fix this is more packer competition. You are right that they will suppress calf prices until there aren't any calves left to buy, not sure they have a long term strategy on the books. Just too many places in the world where you can raise cattle cheaper. Also dont think the feedlots dont get squeezed too, that is a feast or famine business.
Really I would like to see a day where the majority of the herd was finished on the farm they were born on. With more of a regional packer situation. Would solve a lot of the environmental, health (antibiotic use), industrial farming image etc. Again not sure that is a common view from most farmers and ranchers.
Really I would like to see a day where the majority of the herd was finished on the farm they were born on. With more of a regional packer situation. Would solve a lot of the environmental, health (antibiotic use), industrial farming image etc. Again not sure that is a common view from most farmers and ranchers.