Just a note to get the cattle industry paying attention to what is happening with regards to feed grain acreage. Today's statscan seeding intentions report is preliminary but needs to be paid attention to. This information can be found at:
The forecast in barley and oat acres need to be highlighted. My concerns relate to timing of feeders entry into feedlots and the impact of a potential drought this summer on forage/silage supplies this summer.
How full are silage pits from last year? I have been getting some feedback than many of the major feedlots are cutting back on silage production. What are others hearing? Anybody have any sense of feeding patterns over the coming year? I realize you will tell me to predict when the border will open for live animils and then you will anwer my question?
Thanks for your help. I am trying to not only get a picture of the feed grain supply side but the demand scenarios over the coming year.
The forecast in barley and oat acres need to be highlighted. My concerns relate to timing of feeders entry into feedlots and the impact of a potential drought this summer on forage/silage supplies this summer.
How full are silage pits from last year? I have been getting some feedback than many of the major feedlots are cutting back on silage production. What are others hearing? Anybody have any sense of feeding patterns over the coming year? I realize you will tell me to predict when the border will open for live animils and then you will anwer my question?
Thanks for your help. I am trying to not only get a picture of the feed grain supply side but the demand scenarios over the coming year.