Without a doubt testing is not going to happen...I'm sorry but thats just how it is? Our masters have stated that very clearly?
And make no mistake here...America owns us body and soul!
Of course we've lost so much money that we could have bought every packing plant in north American many times over! And I would suggest the test would have been cheaper than all the expense of removing SRMs, segregated kills, establishing ages of cattle etc.?
I often wonder why? Why is there so much resistance to testing? In my darker moments I wonder if they are afraid of what they really might find?
Perhaps a larger problem than what they estimated? And who would be liable for that???
The deer/elk population in Colorado is apparently heavily infected with CWD. Now how can that be? I doubt that anyone was out feeding them cows brains or sheeps spinal cords? So how in the hell did they get it, how did they pass it around so freely?
The "science" says BSE/CWD/scrapie/ CJD
can't be passed in the blood. The science says it can't be passed to offspring. So how come they killed those 450 dairy calves in Washington? How come they won't let you donate blood if you lived in England during the epidemic? One of the screening questions, when you donate blood, is has anyone in your immediate family had CJD! If yes...they don't want your blood!
What would ever happen if the North American consumer percieved his meat was not safe at all...in fact might be a death sentence? Would it basically be the end of the entire industry?
Now I'll probably be knocked as a fearmonger and get a lot of quotes on how safe the beef supply is, but the simple fact is nobody knows unless we test every darned animal we slaughter? And the sad part is it will cost us nothing in comparison to what we've lost already? And furthermore it just might be the pro-active thing that might save our industry if this thing is bigger than we suspect. And save untold human suffering.
And make no mistake here...America owns us body and soul!
Of course we've lost so much money that we could have bought every packing plant in north American many times over! And I would suggest the test would have been cheaper than all the expense of removing SRMs, segregated kills, establishing ages of cattle etc.?
I often wonder why? Why is there so much resistance to testing? In my darker moments I wonder if they are afraid of what they really might find?
Perhaps a larger problem than what they estimated? And who would be liable for that???
The deer/elk population in Colorado is apparently heavily infected with CWD. Now how can that be? I doubt that anyone was out feeding them cows brains or sheeps spinal cords? So how in the hell did they get it, how did they pass it around so freely?
The "science" says BSE/CWD/scrapie/ CJD
can't be passed in the blood. The science says it can't be passed to offspring. So how come they killed those 450 dairy calves in Washington? How come they won't let you donate blood if you lived in England during the epidemic? One of the screening questions, when you donate blood, is has anyone in your immediate family had CJD! If yes...they don't want your blood!
What would ever happen if the North American consumer percieved his meat was not safe at all...in fact might be a death sentence? Would it basically be the end of the entire industry?
Now I'll probably be knocked as a fearmonger and get a lot of quotes on how safe the beef supply is, but the simple fact is nobody knows unless we test every darned animal we slaughter? And the sad part is it will cost us nothing in comparison to what we've lost already? And furthermore it just might be the pro-active thing that might save our industry if this thing is bigger than we suspect. And save untold human suffering.