Well cswilson: If you are still making money in cows all the power to you. I wonder why we even care if the darned border ever opens if guys like you are content with 85 cent calves and 10 cent cows? Obviously my "high cost" operation really needs to go...or maybe it is just my "high expectations"?
We definitely need more guys like you to buy out us old dinosaurs who have these atiquated ideas about raising cattle! We obviously are not very efficient.
So far I've never sold a calf for less than $1.12...or at least that's what I got last year...and they weren't no 500 lb. May calves either! Haven't sold any 10 cent or twenty cent or thirty cent cows either! However That definitely might change soon.
The longer I hear people drivel about how they are making money in this market the more sure I am about getting out. I figure let the "progressive efficient guys" have it.
We definitely need more guys like you to buy out us old dinosaurs who have these atiquated ideas about raising cattle! We obviously are not very efficient.
So far I've never sold a calf for less than $1.12...or at least that's what I got last year...and they weren't no 500 lb. May calves either! Haven't sold any 10 cent or twenty cent or thirty cent cows either! However That definitely might change soon.
The longer I hear people drivel about how they are making money in this market the more sure I am about getting out. I figure let the "progressive efficient guys" have it.