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Ron DeHaven Says BSE North American Issue

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    Ron DeHaven Says BSE North American Issue

    I take this recent comment by Dr. Ron Dehaven as a very positive sign of the Bush administration's new approach to BSE in that the U.S. is now recognizing BSE is a North American problem. This is consistent with the International Review Panel's recommendation which also pointedly suggested the U.S. should show leadership by opening the border between Canada and the U.S. to live cattle. The North American approach to our beef industry is most likely to get the border open rather than Canada going out on its own, for instance unilaterally imposing 100% testing. The U.S. cannot keep the border closed to Canadian cattle much longer while recognizing we are really in a North American market. Dr. DeHaven's comment is most encouraging from a Canadian producer's standpoint, or should I say a North American beef producer's standpoint.

    "DR. DEHAVEN: "We've had two North American native-born cases. Both were born and presumably infected in Canada. So from a technical standpoint and by international standards, we have not had an indigenous case in the United States.

    "Having said that, I would be the first to say that given the integration of our cattle industries and beef markets in North America, that in fact one would argue that we really shouldn't be talking in the context of Canada or the U.S. but rather be talking in the context of North America. And clearly we now have had two North American indigenous cases that have been identified."

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting just a little tired of that "border will open soon" carrot being dangled in front of my nose.We've all spent the last year waiting to get a bite of it.Meanwhile the bills just keep rolling in.When is everyone's debt going to be high enough and their equity low enough that they finally stop chasing that damned carrot???
    Exactly when will it be time for a new srategy????


      rsomer, "This is consistent with the International Review Panel's recommendation which also pointedly suggested the U.S. should show leadership by opening the border between Canada and the U.S. to live cattle." - since when has the USA listened to international opinion on anything?
      I'm sorry for being negative but like Joe-2 i'm frustrated.
      One important lesson I learned with BSE in the UK is that as farmers we could do nothing to resolve the (mainly political)issues behind the BSE disaster. The way to survive is to concentrate on managing your business as best you can and don't waste years of your life going round in circles debating what should happen in a BSE crisis.


        "For instance, unilaterally imposing 100% testing".

        Somebody is hearing something.

        Keep up the heat, I beleive we can make this a political issue, even without the backing of our fearless leaders. ABP, CCA, Liberal, Conservative etc. etc. Someday one of these chickenshit groups will listen to the grassroots, common sense approach.

        Mandatory BSE testing of all Canadian Beef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          Ah shoot. The qote I referred to was just good old rsomer sounding like a Cheif Veterinary inspector.

          Oh well the rest is true.


            I'm not sure how effective Ms. Vennaman and Dr. Dehaven will be. It looks like they may be just battling to keep their jobs. There is quite an upswell amongst producers to replace them because of all their screw-ups. And their is an election coming up. Most Senators don't want to get elected out just because of an incompetent Secretary of Agriculture.


              That's why they've called on Harvard to review the comments. The border opening based on comments has to have a third party's blessing to avoid political fallout.

              I see it as a good sign, but I sure hope those guys can read fast!


                I suspect Willowcreek is pretty close to right on this one? Lets face it both Anne Venneaman and Ron Dehaven look like a pair of incompetents?
                I doubt Bush will be able to protect this pair of losers forever?


                  Incompetents? why Cowman? they have had cases of BSE on US soil yet their beef markets are flying high - their control management looks very good. Look how sucessfully they concealed the recent Texan case.


                    dehaven's statement is part of the strategy with venneman saying today the us will find more bse. now we're all in this together!!!! isn't it great to have friends??


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