You all should know I am with you in this 100%. I understand your frustration and share your sense of urgency. I completely relate to everyone that wants to see action on BSE and completely agree that there is a lot of BS going on out there that has nothing to do with science. I do think we need to channel our frustration and what energy remains into something that has at least a shadow of a chance of success. I think we need to be aware that BSE is a sensitive issue at the best of times and we have been extremely fortunate up to now that our consumers have stayed with us all the way. I am trying to point out that right or wrong, 100% testing is not something that has any chance of success with government. Canada is 100% committed to a harmonized North American beef market and that is just how it is. On top of that producers raising the issue of 100% testing before the media has the potential to erode customer confidence in our product, that is something we cannot afford to have happen. I recall Joe-2 and his sign that would read "Eating BSE Infected Beef CAN Cause Fatal vCJD.DEMAND 100% TESTING". Producers may think their demands for 100% testing are to open markets for their beef but the public is going to going to get Joe-2’s message when they see it on the news.
I have seen that obtaining financing is what is keeping more packing plants from being built in Canada and have offered as a solution that governments provide the needed financing or guarantees that would see these projects go ahead. In my time I have championed more than one hopeless cause but a hopeless cause like 100% testing has way too many negative aspects associated with it for us as an industry to be championing at this time. We need to focus our frustration on those things which can be done. Building packing plants is one, pressuring the government to do more to see our border open to live cattle during this election is another. This meeting or rally that is proposed is a good idea but we have to be very careful about the messages that come out of it. We need to be focused as an industry on asking for one or two things that can really be done and realize that if the media is there that the public/customer is watching, not just government.
Jensend: Many of use believe that our case of BSE was a spontaneous occurrence. If so then Australia would also have spontaneous occurrences only they are not looking very hard to find it. If BSE can happen in Canada it can happen anywhere. Our beef is just as safe as theirs.
I have seen that obtaining financing is what is keeping more packing plants from being built in Canada and have offered as a solution that governments provide the needed financing or guarantees that would see these projects go ahead. In my time I have championed more than one hopeless cause but a hopeless cause like 100% testing has way too many negative aspects associated with it for us as an industry to be championing at this time. We need to focus our frustration on those things which can be done. Building packing plants is one, pressuring the government to do more to see our border open to live cattle during this election is another. This meeting or rally that is proposed is a good idea but we have to be very careful about the messages that come out of it. We need to be focused as an industry on asking for one or two things that can really be done and realize that if the media is there that the public/customer is watching, not just government.
Jensend: Many of use believe that our case of BSE was a spontaneous occurrence. If so then Australia would also have spontaneous occurrences only they are not looking very hard to find it. If BSE can happen in Canada it can happen anywhere. Our beef is just as safe as theirs.