A wise old man once told me it doesn't matter when the calf was born, but when you sell him! And quite frankly who wants to try to keep a seperate pasture for a bunch of darned old bulls? Maybe easier to pull the cows with big early heifers and keep them seperate?
Occasionally I've had those "baby mommas" in the past and it can be a real wreck or a very positive experience! Now mommas with big hfr. babes get the hook fairly early...at least the ones I might want to keep! I'm sure not into babying a bunch of darned bulls for 320 days of the year!(I've often wondered if leasing bulls for sixty days might be the way to go?)
Don't feel too sorry for that feedlot buyer...if he knows his stuff he'll be right there with a very healthy discount! I would never sell that kind...rather take my chances than let some dog steal her!
Occasionally I've had those "baby mommas" in the past and it can be a real wreck or a very positive experience! Now mommas with big hfr. babes get the hook fairly early...at least the ones I might want to keep! I'm sure not into babying a bunch of darned bulls for 320 days of the year!(I've often wondered if leasing bulls for sixty days might be the way to go?)
Don't feel too sorry for that feedlot buyer...if he knows his stuff he'll be right there with a very healthy discount! I would never sell that kind...rather take my chances than let some dog steal her!