cswilson: I believe that too! However it sure would be nice if we had a couple of cow plants so we could maybe get a couple of buyers bidding on the old cows?
When the border opens the American plants will probably come calling for cows again so hopefully a cow plant would be strong enough to compete? Lets face it a lot of these "packing schemes" just aren't sustainable if the border opens? Maybe if people were committed to selling their cattle to them at less than market value, but somehow that doesn't strike me as being very good business?
It seems the industry is moving towards vertical integration? Where the producer has to own the cattle all the way up the food chain. So that the cattle producer needs to be a feeder, packer, marketer, and retailer! Most people have enough to do just raising the darned animals and growing the feed? They don't really have the time or the effort to take on the rest...and if you aren't hands on in any business things can often go to hell in a handbasket fairly fast?
I still believe this industry could be made accountable up the chain by some decent legislation, instead of the stuff we have now that favors the meat oligarchy?
When the border opens the American plants will probably come calling for cows again so hopefully a cow plant would be strong enough to compete? Lets face it a lot of these "packing schemes" just aren't sustainable if the border opens? Maybe if people were committed to selling their cattle to them at less than market value, but somehow that doesn't strike me as being very good business?
It seems the industry is moving towards vertical integration? Where the producer has to own the cattle all the way up the food chain. So that the cattle producer needs to be a feeder, packer, marketer, and retailer! Most people have enough to do just raising the darned animals and growing the feed? They don't really have the time or the effort to take on the rest...and if you aren't hands on in any business things can often go to hell in a handbasket fairly fast?
I still believe this industry could be made accountable up the chain by some decent legislation, instead of the stuff we have now that favors the meat oligarchy?