Does any body have the agenda for the meeting... I for one would like to attend...thankyou in advance...
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ABP semi -annual meeting
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I don't have an agenda but if you contact my ABP rep Brenda Schoepp at 403 843 3966 I'm sure she would fax you one. She is behind 100% testing and will stand up and say so at the ABP meetings. I understand there are some changes to the agenda namely, an added behind closed doors session on a motion to set a limit on basis differentials between the US and Canadian markets (i'm no expert on this topic but basically it would limit packers ability to steal Canadian cattle)also to discuss a resolution on possible herd reduction. These are closed meetings to ensure packer representatives don't see who is voting against their disgraceful policies and also to keep the media away from the herd reduction talks in case they misrepresent the issue to the consumer.
Give her a call she's on our side!
I noted your comment to the effect that packer representatives don’t see who is voting against their disgraceful policies. The ABP Board of Directors has already passed a motion that would allow a packer representative to have a guaranteed seat on the board of directors of ABP. The ABP delegates will be asked to rubber stamp the Board’s decision at this meeting. You might want to ask your ABP rep what she thinks about that. The packers will be at this meeting, perhaps producers should be too.
farmers_son, No way am I championing the cause of ABP here just trying to encourage someone who is able to attend to do so. I though (obviously wrongly) that the packers already had two members on the ABP board and I mentioned in a thread a few days ago that we should perhaps attend the fall producer meetings en-masse and move that this packer representation on the board of ABP be removed totally.
If it's the case that they are not currently on the ABP board they won't be able to attend the closed door sessions that I mentioned. Perhaps this is the last chance to remove them? I have no problem getting on the phone to the ABP rep and telling them we want no packer representation on ABP. Is everyone else getting after their ABP reps ahead of this meeting?
The ABP Semi Annual is in the Ramada Hotel, 11834 Kingway, Edmonton, 780-454-5454. Tuesday is committee meetings from 9 AM to 6PM with supper and hospitality suite afterwards.
Wednesday: 8:15 Discussion and vote to approve ABP change that will see industry Council (packer Representatives) get a seat on ABP board of directors.
9:30 Committee updates and questions
10:30 National Organization Updates (CCA, BIC CBEF)
1:30 closed session, no guests or media.
Well then, that was an experience.
Went for a quick visit to the meeting and found the following.
This is quite a united group of folks, and they certainly have the attention of the provincial AG minister.
Sat quietly through a couple of presentations about flow of beef and our major problem being lack of killing capacity. Pretty good stuff but I must have missed the solution section.
Bit my tongue while the Canada Beef Export Federation called moves for testing naive. Obviously, this goup feel that they either have sitting on their board, or have hired, all the knowledge in the industry. Knowledge, to me, is debatable. Knowledge is mostly learned, and most learning is acheived from another person. There is not much room for exploration, or individual thought in this world anymore, and this group is no different. This group is quite tightly knit; although getting into individual minds might tell another story. They have learned to follow well, and have had a very rough year, so solidarity has likely been healthy.
No room for admitting failure, including the mighty Shirley McLellan, who made a speach at lunch defending every step the ABP, and Alberta Agriculture made.
Shirley once again tore into the renegades without naming names. Blasting Testing as unrealistic, but following up with a "It might happen" someday. She pointed out that testing would cost the Producer $180.00 and that every member should take that home to their producers. I won't say where I took that BS. Sounds to me that we at BIG C are getting to the old girl, and the next few weeks of meetings should really have her hoping.
Came out a bit dismayed, wondering if I could handle being involved in things like Cattle feeder councils with unelected members from Tyson and Lakeside sitting in.
I think that my place right now is a director with BIG C, still hopeful that we can work with and help the ABP even after hearing some pretty damning tones about one of our poilicies. Plan to meet with staff within the next week to see if this aggression is for real, or simply a bit protectionist.
CHOW for Now.
Randy Kaiser
(403) 946 - 0228
Come join the Manitoba Cattle Producers.
They talked a lot about testing yesterday in Winnipeg. They want the new plant, assuming it goes through, to be able to test if customers request it. It looks like the Provincial government is willing, too. They see it as another tool to help make the new plant viable.
We're not afraid of the Alberta packers, because quite frankly they don't even notice us. Our cattle are just something to help fill the line on a slow day.
good for you Manitoba that is what we need more of this. I believe in any commodity we have the value is in the processing and marketing. From trees to grain, steel ,oil and gas, water and beef untill we smarten up and quit giving our resourses away and start processing them ourselves we will always be under the thumbs of other countries. Now refering to those packers as Albertan gets my attention. They may have set up here but they are American owned. They are a parasite and have been living off of honest hard working people long enough. Even if the border opens they will never see cattle from here ever.
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