Battling the gophers has always took some effort, but I'm loosing the battle as I have 3 neighbors basically ignoring their gopher problem. Now they are invading my crop and pasture land, having used up our stash of decent strychnine and spending to much time shooting them. Does anyone know if strong strychnine gopher poison is still available in the U.S.(it was a couple of years ago)If it is I'm considering a road trip.
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gopher control
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Try,Poulin`s Exterminators near you ,they have good newly registered product.We`ve tried it as have lots of Hutterite colonies.It seems to work!It`s more expensive ,as to the older product but may actually be as good and not illegal.
A true story: Belive it or not
In Ontario we had a problem with to many Porcupines. So the Ministry of Natural Resorcies said we will bring in some FISHERS to take care of the porcupine problem. Well we know longer have any porcupines or groundhogs (gopher's family tree) the hunters are reporting seeing fishers on the backs of deer in the bush, his next favoured food is the cat population, the dogs etc. Seems the Fisher has know preditor to take him down and he is even attacking people.
I'm sure if you call you Minister of Natural Resorcies and tell him about your gopher problem, they just may come and get some of our Fishers and let them go on your farm.
I know its not funny, but down here we are all afraid to go in the bush with out a gun.
I'm just reporting what the news is around. The fishers food is cat, and my boss at work can testify to that because he had to get the cat stitched up and was told most cats do not get away. Another friend cannot keep any cats on their farm because of the fishers. Ask some deer hunter and they will tell you that they stay clear of the fishers and have seen dear carcuses left from a fisher. A women in Alexander north of Cornwall was attacked in her own backyard by a fisher, her thith and calf were torn right to the bone, she tryed to save her dog. Was a horse torn up pretty bad in Cornwall also one did die, they blamed it on a Couger, maybe maybe not.
But I can tell you that I have know more woodchucks or groundhog on my farm, very few skunks, and I havn't seen a dead porqupine on the road in a long time. May be someone else will varify want I'm telling you.
Grassfarmer the fisher is part of the weasel family they have a taste for squirrels. But will eat any meat. I guide for bighorn sheep in the fall.(my paid holiday) I see a few of these fishers every year they are long and slender very quick and not any taller than an average cat. We have had these animals come into camp and steal meat off of our meat pole but nothing serious. I would imagine they are very tough like anything in the weasel family seems to be.(wolverine and badgers) But I do have a hard time imagining them taking on anything large. But I guess anything is possible.
We in the east must have a hybred Fisher The one I did see up close was larger than a house cat and reading up on them thay can reach 45 lbs. We do not have any barn cats and our so far 3 house cats have been taken by fishers. A neighbor lost a sheep to a fisher The kill was not like a wolf kill but seeing Fishers are protected to get compinsation it was blamed on a coyote. Thay were released in a area very close to a large populations of people Thay are so use to seeing, smelling poeple thay have no fear of us. So every dog that is tied up is a easy meal. One deer hunter shot a deer and by the time he walk to it a fisher was in the process of skinning it. I am wating for one to attack a hiker. That is not going to be a perty sight. I feel the ones in there nartural wilderness are more careful to stay away from people and do not couse a problem but These fishers were set free almost on the door step of a town. One has even been sighted in the city of Kingston. A long way from the woods. But then thats where all the coon and skunks are now. thay are just following there food.
forgot one point we have noticed. Farmers are now getting Guard Dogs for there cattle to keep the coyotes and wolves from eatting them. Thats a sure sign that the food chain is being disturbed. Dairy farmers are loosing calves right by the barn. This has not happened before just since the fishers arrived.
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