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Jumping the gun over a few words.

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    Jumping the gun over a few words.

    I am as guilty as anyone for jumping the gun and labeling my honorable members of Agriville. We all have shared some pretty personal thoughts here, and have a bunch more I am sure. From the ones we have shared I have branded cowman a pessimist, but he showed me that I have some pretty pessimistic thoughts as well. I still think rsomer is pigheaded, and I am quite sure he feel the same about me, but I do admire your persistence and drive.

    I need to make a point tonight about the ABP. I am not out to destroy anything, and only wish to help end the crisis we are all experiencing.I felt that last night's thread may sound like I am out to get the ABP. Had a very interesting conversation with an ABP rep about support, and feel that I understand the position of the ABP better. Personal survival is top on the list of all cattleman and women these days, including the brave souls who volunteered to enter the political arena of the ABP. Can you imagine their position trying to stand up for their fellow producer while members of the Packing industry watch with pen in hand. Bring up anything that may stir the profit pot for Cargil and Tyson, and your cattle will sit in your feedlot for a long long time. Sounds to me that the biggest shift that the ABP needs is to shift the packers out the meeting door on their ass. I think I will head up to Edmonton and confront these Reps from Cargil and Tyson (without aggression cowman). Maybe make a bit of a spectacle of myself and ask if they are proud of their jobs.
    Then maybe it is finally time for myself and a few other BIG C type folks to place our name on the ABP Ballot.
    After this past year it would take more than some pretty old style broken knee packing plant intimidation for them to convince me to let them stay. I have always felt that BIG C is about awareness, not about replacement or dissension in the Cattle producers ranks. Maybe by getting people out to meeting, they will feel the need to become part of this again, including ABP.

    Fear is driving so much of the bullshit involved in this trade dispute it isn't funny. We can explain the actions as science, or trade rules, or government standards, but when it come right down to it, we all put our pants, or skirts on one leg at a time, and are all looking out for our own survival first.

    I don't know what kind of label this little speach will get me ------- maybe contradictory.

    Tommorrow is gonna be a beautiful day.

    Whether we like it or not the ABP/CCA are our "representatives" and have the ear of the government. When Bob Speller needs some info or advice on the beef industry, that's who he calls.
    I think to change anything you need to get the ABP/CCA to come around to your way of thinking? So I think if you attend their meeting, then you are heading in the right direction. Maybe you are entirely right about the need to run in the fall elections and replace some of the old boys with people who will express your interests. Lets face it, how many of us ever really paid very much attention to the ABP before? We were quite content to let them putter around and have a good time with our checkoff dollars.
    One small word of advice rpKaiser....when you address the ABP meeting....you catch more flies with a bit of sugar than a gallon of vinegar? I suspect you could get quite "animated" so practice a wee bit of restraint? Might work better?


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