Kato: as usual, insightful comments. I think all the ag ministers, provincial and federal want very much to see a solution to the BSE crisis.
Rpkaiser: I did not threaten your bull sales if you continued to show support for R-Calf. I said and I quote "I am frankly astounded at your views on R-Calf. You may want to reconsider those views since you are selling breeding stock to the Alberta livestock producer." Although that thread is corrupted now and your actual comments are missing you were expressing quite a bit of support for R-Calf and R-Calf is a dirty word in many producers books. I am sorry if you thought I took personal exception to your statements, I did not. I have seen quite a few comments in these threads where Canadian producers were advocating not purchasing breeding animals or genetics from known R-Calf supporters, that is all.
I noted rpkaiser’s advice to reread Cam Ostercamp’s essay but found it has been deleted from Lee Gunderson’s web site. Upon review, Cam Ostercamp is definitely advocating 100% testing, the term mandatory testing and 100% testing are used interchangeably. Grassfarmer has pointed out when used in the context of Japan, 100% testing means testing every live animal, even calves so young the test cannot possibly detect BSE. Ostercamp clearly wants mandatory testing of all animals slaughtered.
On a cheerier note, got a nice shower tonight. It is needed and very welcome. Just finished seeding a quarter section to grass so the moisture will help get it off to a good start. Guess I still see a future in cattle if I am seeding grass.
Rpkaiser: I did not threaten your bull sales if you continued to show support for R-Calf. I said and I quote "I am frankly astounded at your views on R-Calf. You may want to reconsider those views since you are selling breeding stock to the Alberta livestock producer." Although that thread is corrupted now and your actual comments are missing you were expressing quite a bit of support for R-Calf and R-Calf is a dirty word in many producers books. I am sorry if you thought I took personal exception to your statements, I did not. I have seen quite a few comments in these threads where Canadian producers were advocating not purchasing breeding animals or genetics from known R-Calf supporters, that is all.
I noted rpkaiser’s advice to reread Cam Ostercamp’s essay but found it has been deleted from Lee Gunderson’s web site. Upon review, Cam Ostercamp is definitely advocating 100% testing, the term mandatory testing and 100% testing are used interchangeably. Grassfarmer has pointed out when used in the context of Japan, 100% testing means testing every live animal, even calves so young the test cannot possibly detect BSE. Ostercamp clearly wants mandatory testing of all animals slaughtered.
On a cheerier note, got a nice shower tonight. It is needed and very welcome. Just finished seeding a quarter section to grass so the moisture will help get it off to a good start. Guess I still see a future in cattle if I am seeding grass.