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Voting Monday

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    Voting Monday

    Well are we all voting Monday. I think I know who I'm voting for but you'all may not like it. I'll just let you's guess. I really don't want to say.
    Here in ctv news the report is that Harper has all you guy's out west rapped up to vote for him. He's a Ontario boy telling himself he is a Westerner at heart. Telling us that BC is going to have the deciding vote, it is going to be a mess all the way around for us, I'm thinking.

    Well I voted for Conservatives in advance polls. Hopefully my riding (Thunder Bay-Rainy River) will go Conservative this time around. Has been Liberal every time since the 20's 'cept the Mulrooney years. Would be nice for new ideas for a change.

    Personally, I am really interested in what happens in Manitoba as it is such a tight race, with exception of a couple ridings. You in the Brandon-Souris riding Kato?...who is leading there? PC's had a handle on that riding, but with Rick jumping boat and helping out the Liberal candidate, papers were talking about it going Liberal this time.


      Today I will hold my nose and vote Conservative. Not necessarily because I believe in them, but because I truly believe if we vote back in proven thieves, we really deserve to get robbed again. Paul Martin, is dirty and no amount of weaselling around can change that. Pretending he never knew what was happening just doesn't wash?
      Hopefully the Conservatives will curb some of the grosser excesses of a beuracracy out of control?
      The only party that stands a snowballs chance of booting the Liberals out is the Conservative party? So remember that, all you people who live in ridings where it might be close.
      In Alberta we are more lucky! We can safely do a protest vote for the dingbat parties and not have to worry! You could nominate the village idiot for the Conservative candidate and he would win everytime! Hmmm...maybe that is what we have been doing all these years???


        Oh forgot to add, that now if you vote for a dingbat party, and they get like 1% of the vote or something like that, then they recieve $1.75 for every vote they get.
        I suspect the Green Party might be able to pull that off? After all they are running candidates in every riding?
        Now no way do I agree with them! They are really strong on Kyota and more gas and oil taxes. Kyota is total garbage fit only for idiots!
        However, consider this...if these tree huggers get some major bucks they could stir the pot quite a bit? And make it hot for whichever party squeaks in today? At the very least they might ask some tough questions?
        Maybe consider them if you are in a safe Conservative riding?


          The way it is looking, there will be no majority government, which in some respects is better, but in others not so great. Anybody remember Joe Clark? Probably best not to monogram towels just yet.

          I think overcoming voter apathy would be a big step - no matter whom you vote for. In the past 30 odd years, the patronage appointments, wanton spending and bad policy choices have reigned supreme - no matter which of the two big parties were in. Don't look for these Conservative/Alliance/Reform to be any different, after all, look how quick they changed their minds on whether or not to receive things like pensions. As soon as it looked like they were going to get in for the second time and they hit the magic 6 years for a pension, voila - we had better vote for an increase in pensions. The list goes on to be sure. Seems to me it's a matter of just how big the fox is that's in the henhouse.

          It will be very interesting indeed to see how many turn out to vote - whether there is a choice or not.


            In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
            (1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
            (2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
            (3) Jean Chrétien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
            (4) And now we are going to vote for Paul Martin???? - a
            multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec???
            The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
            (1) Not a lawyer.
            (2) Not a multi-millionaire.
            (3) Not from Quebec.
            Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
            (1) Reduce my taxes.
            (2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
            (3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

            That's good enough for me.
            I'm going to give the Conservative party a chance with my vote.
            But wait!
            Paul Martinis now saying the same thing.
            My mother told me forty years ago:
            "Fool me once - shame on you.
            Fool me twice - shame on me!"

            The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
            Remember, Jean Chrétien was Trudeau's Finance Minister.
            Remember also, Paul Martin was Jean Chrétien's Finance Minister
            These people have been raising my taxes for thirty four years.
            They have been mis-spending my tax dollars for 34 years.
            34 years!
            And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending.


              No way in hell Martin deserves another chance. I'm not sure Harper does although I'm a huge Klein fan ( sorry cowman!) but Harper just has to be better than Martin. Thanks for pointing out the pattern on paper rusty, sure puts it into perspective for me!


                Yes, Rustie it put it in prospective for me to. The only thing is Piere T. put do the FLQ. and I really think he was for a whole Canada. Not Canada and Quebec.
                Well it looks like we have a Liberal NDP goverment in. PC in, in my riding of Frontenac, Hasting etc. It would seem to me that most of the ruel comunitys went PC and the big city's went Liberal with NDP through in along with the block. This would seem like just how the citys and country life styles are so different in what they value.


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