Well as long as he sticks to the facts and doesn't pull the good old R-Calf lie and twist.
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Canada PM: US Feed Caused BSE/From DTN
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The US news reported that there was 7 feed plants in the north west US that recieved sitations just weeks before our cow was found in Washington. Some asked our beauracrates to charge the US to prove that she had BSE from here but no one had the gonads to make that an issue.
When the cow went down last year it was proven that the feed came from two plants in Alberta, and they went all the way back and killed cattle in Sask that had not made contacked in over 6 or better years. So that means that the additives like mineral and proten was shiped in from the US. If that is the case, what else have we not been told. I'll tell you one thing that Aberdean ranch that had to help load his herd of new calves and cows to be killed, I hope he sue's the goverment for millions because that means that the killing to 2700 head was needless. And our PM addmited it.
I don't see the point of bringing that at this late date. It just makes me angree and upset because that is just another way of telling me that as individuals we don't mean anything.
Martin also made the following speech on BSE last Wednesday, July 7 where Martin tied trade to border security.
Canadian prime minister addresses trade, security
The Associated Press
SUN VALLEY -- Paul Martin, the newly elected prime minister of Canada, told business executives at a high-powered media conference here Wednesday that Canada and the United States needed to resolve several lingering trade disputes for the sake of preserving confidence in the North American economy.
Speaking with reporters shortly before his speech, Martin said he would stress the importance not only of trade relations between the two neighboring countries but also improving security.
"We cannot continue with some of the ongoing problems, whether it be softwood lumber and BSE," he said, referring to mad cow disease, "without it eventually having an effect on confidence in the North American market."
"We've got to find a way in which disputes can not only be settled but settled permanently," he said.
On the issue of security, he said he would tell the executives that "the more efficient North America is, the more efficient they [secure borders]will be."
See: http://www.magicvalley.com/news/business/index.asp?StoryID=5627
Alicia nothing was proved as to even if feed was the culprit. Their is no proof of how, where, when or what the single case of BSE in Canada was from. They assume it was from feed. CFIA can not prove 100% the cause of our single case of BSE.
Even if they could prove it was from meat byproducts made in Edmonton they can not prove the offal was Canadian or US in origin.
Even if it was from feed it could not be from minerals only proteins could be the carrier.
All it would have taken is petfood in a barn swept into a pile that a calf/cow ate.
Canada PM Comment On US Feed Unfounded
7/9 11:45
By Mike McGinnis
DTN Staff Reporter
DES MOINES (DTN)-- Canada still has shown no proof that it was U.S. feed that infected a cow last year with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad-cow disease, FDA officials told DTN on Friday.
The allegation was made by Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in a speech Wednesday in Idaho. "When BSE, or mad cow, was discovered in a Canadian cow, some chose to ignore the fact that in all probability, the feed that gave it the disease came from the United States and consequently, the border was closed," he was quoted as saying.
"This is the first time that we have heard the allegation," Linda Grassie of the FDA/Center for Veterinary Medicine stated in an email.
Grassie was quick to point out neither the investigation conducted by the Canadian government nor the U.S. government indicated that feed or feed ingredients from the U.S. were implicated in the feeding of these animals.
"We understood that the source of the feed for both animals was traced to one or two feed mills in a single province in Canada, not the United States," Grassie said.
"While one can speculate what might have been fed to the two Canadian animals that developed BSE and the source of the feed, the long incubation period of 4 years or longer precludes any possibility of tracing the origin of the contaminated feed. In summary, we are aware of no evidence which would indicate that the feed originated in the U.S."
When asked why the statement was made more than a year after a thorough investigation on the subject, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) downplayed the comment.
"We believe the Prime Minister didn't mean to say that U.S. feed caused the BSE," Alain Charette, CFIA media relations officer said. Because North America's cattle industry is so integrated, he was making a point the feed could have come from either country."
" When science looks at BSE in North America, the market is integrated and risks are great for both sides. Plus, because of the integration we may not be able to find the origin of the feed."
Meanwhile, National Cattlemen's Beef Association's chief economist Gregg Doud said the Prime Minister's comment is much to do about nothing.
"This is not a new allegation. However, the Canadian government has yet to come forward with any evidence to support it."
Japan and South Korea still maintain bans on Canadian and U.S. beef because of BSE cases.
In December, the U.S. discovered a BSE case, but USDA officials believe the cow had been raised and likely infected in Canada. (DB)
At least Martin came out and stated the obvious? That this bloody disease could have come from America?
I mean the fact is their whole health/feed system is a bloody joke and if he called that in to question then good for him!
Personally I'm sick of America implying that we are some sort of simple cousins who screwed up and infected their pristine cow herd with BSE...when defacto we have one hell of a better cow herd and one hell of a better system? I would suggest we could teach those clowns a thing or two about running cows?
Good for you Paul Martin; for standing up and having the guts to say what we all know is the bloody truth!
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