Cowman, if you are referring to the plans spoken about by the BIG-C group for a large plant in Saskatchewan there are a few points you need to know. This plant would be aimed at over 30 month cattle only hence would not be in competition with Cargill or Tyson. It seems obvious that "over thirty month" rules will apply for many years which will preclude these pirates from killing over and under 30 months animals in the same plant. A plant to kill cows would provide our most immediate requirement to reduce the cattle backlog building up. A plant east of Lloydminster would be a good geographic choice being central to the Alberta, BC, SK and Manitoba cow herds. There is no point putting it in Southern Alberta if you aren't killing fats from feedlot alley.
Early indications are that the Saskatchewan government is very willing to cooperate in seeing a plant set up in their province whereas the Alberta Gov. seems uninterested perhaps due to their ties (payoffs?) with the US packers. One concern to me would be the XL / Nilson response as I believe they are fond of running cartels also. If they run a policy of blackballing producers who send cull cows to a new plant instead of their one we might have a problem.
Early indications are that the Saskatchewan government is very willing to cooperate in seeing a plant set up in their province whereas the Alberta Gov. seems uninterested perhaps due to their ties (payoffs?) with the US packers. One concern to me would be the XL / Nilson response as I believe they are fond of running cartels also. If they run a policy of blackballing producers who send cull cows to a new plant instead of their one we might have a problem.