We need to start a LOUD protest against more packer capacity. We don't need just more capacity, we NEED another buyer on the block with it. IN other words we need MORE CAPACITY WITH A NEW FACE!!!
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no more packing capacity
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Absolutely agree with that - was discussing that with my NFU rep who agreed but was waiting until something has actually been announced. Despite the talk at Stampede is their actually a proposal to increase capacity? or is it just vague talk the same as ABP are putting out how our heroic friends the packers are constantly expanding their weekly kills. I am amazed at Arno's statement in the letter to beef producers in the Alberta Beef Mag. when he is pointing out that kill capacity is the problem not finding markets for our beef "beef products are being sold into 23 markets across north america and around the world for acceptable prices" Acceptable prices for who ? the packers? This clown should be removed from his post - lets get to it.
The problem is we need packing capacity now...not two years down the road? Specifically, we need cow capacity? How long can we keep the old culls? They are like a time bomb digging us a little deeper everyday!
We need another cow plant right now. If not, we can continue to expect the prices that Bombay got...or even lower! I mean 5 cents???
The other solution would be the pit, but we all know that isn't going to happen! However I believe that has been happening on a small basis? Old cow, maybe lame or has a bad eye? Cheaper to shoot her than haul her to town! And meanwhile the price of hamburger and stew meat hangs right in there! Something isn't quite right here? How can our cow be worth nothing and yet she comes out the other end at pre BSE prices? Has a Big Mac gotten any cheaper? How about a Subway sandwich? I suspect the meat in both is about the cheapest ingredient!
Just remembered something my Dad told me. When he was a boy in the thirties they sent some old cows to Burns in Calgary. They drove them into the railyards and loaded them on the cars. Instead of a check they got a bill! The cows never brought enough to pay the freight!
The next year my grandfather just took the old cows and shot them and let the pigs eat them! My Dad said these pigs lived in a big bushy pasture and were wild and ferocious!
Coweman - My point is if Nelsons/IBP/Cargill were to build the plant - you'd still get only $0.05. And our political heads of all lobby groups don't want to admit that nor do they want to do anything else to help producers or a 4th. party build one. So if you and the rest of producers don't put some REAL effort into this issue you spok of you won't be any better off. Instead you'll be worse off. So lets cut the retoric and open up the wallets and do something about it.
Clearly we need to get away from the notion that all our problems will disappear if we can get the border open. In fact, I think an argument can be made that it will be in the industries long term best interests for the border to remain closed to live cattle for an extended priod of time. Hard medicine, but will make new investment in processing infrastructure much more attractive if the excess American capacity is taken out of the equation in the short term and maybe even permanently in the Pcific Northwest. Of course this probably involves a cull animal disposal program and significant support from government to the rancher while the capacity comes online. I know this sounds radical but I think it needs to be seriously looked at by the powers that be as a possible long term solution to our problems.
The fellows who are trying to get Rancher's Choice going have been slugging away for a long time now.
They were encouraged and egged on by the government. The same government that now says it won't commit to the project because it won't be profitable. (Not just provincial either, federal too.)
So out of one side of their mouths they are spouting off about how much they want to support the industry. And out of the other side they are telling us it's a waste of time to even try.
If they weren't going to stand behind it, then why the h%^$# didn't they say that in the first place?
Because they were just killing time, and dodging criticism, hoping that the border would open and they wouldn't HAVE to do anything.
With all the tax breaks, forgiveable loans and bad loans (that they don't bother trying to collect) that is handed out to big business, why on earth is there no support for the little guy?
Since the odds of the border opening to cows in the near future is very very slim, we would be crazy not to build cow slaughter facilities. These cows are going to be cheap for a long time to come, and we need a way to move them.
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