Rsomer: I can agree with the idea of investing in packing facilities if there is a reasonable expectation of profit. Especially for the younger farmer who intends to be in business for quite a few years. I will add,however, it needs to have a solid realistic business plan that considers all the likely scenarios...the bad as well as the good? The chances of failure are very real!!! No one should go into this thing wearing rose colored glasses?
I truly doubt that any group will convince cattlemen to invest money out of their own pockets(in a meaningful way). And I get antsy when any group suggests we use a mandatory checkoff to pay for it? Is this still a free country or not? Now if it was a deal like Red Country, in PEI, got I think it could fly? $20 up front, "forgivable loan" for the other $40, for each animal hook? Why is it a province like PEI can swing a deal like that but out here we require $200 or better just to get a study done? Something isn't quite right here? Maybe we need to go down to PEI and hire those boys to come out here and set something up for us out here? Because they sure seem to have the answer?
I truly doubt that any group will convince cattlemen to invest money out of their own pockets(in a meaningful way). And I get antsy when any group suggests we use a mandatory checkoff to pay for it? Is this still a free country or not? Now if it was a deal like Red Country, in PEI, got I think it could fly? $20 up front, "forgivable loan" for the other $40, for each animal hook? Why is it a province like PEI can swing a deal like that but out here we require $200 or better just to get a study done? Something isn't quite right here? Maybe we need to go down to PEI and hire those boys to come out here and set something up for us out here? Because they sure seem to have the answer?