Well, rsomer, if that is the foreshadowing of things to come, then it is no wonder that the producer side of the equation is feeling so much animosity towards this apathetic viewpoint, particularly when it is their own checkoff dollars that are helping to fund this future.
Where is the ABP in all of this? Have they become so far removed from what is good for the cow/calf producer that this is all they can see? What about the cow/calf delegates that are a part of ABP? While I am not totally informed about what the ABP is all about, I have gathered some nuggets of information from these threads and I have to admit that I am quite frankly surprised that we are not seeing an implosion coming from within the ranks of the ABP.
It would seem to me that if you are representing the cow/calf interests on the ABP, then you should be working your hardest to ensure that the cow/calf producer is at least somewhat protected. Every year in the mail there is a booklet showing who is representing what on the ABP and it seems to me that there are an awful lot of people that are representing producers. What happens to them once they get into the inner circle? I'm very curious to know and I'm sure others are as well.
If this is indeed the future, then what are groups like the ABP and CCA doing to prevent it?
Where is the ABP in all of this? Have they become so far removed from what is good for the cow/calf producer that this is all they can see? What about the cow/calf delegates that are a part of ABP? While I am not totally informed about what the ABP is all about, I have gathered some nuggets of information from these threads and I have to admit that I am quite frankly surprised that we are not seeing an implosion coming from within the ranks of the ABP.
It would seem to me that if you are representing the cow/calf interests on the ABP, then you should be working your hardest to ensure that the cow/calf producer is at least somewhat protected. Every year in the mail there is a booklet showing who is representing what on the ABP and it seems to me that there are an awful lot of people that are representing producers. What happens to them once they get into the inner circle? I'm very curious to know and I'm sure others are as well.
If this is indeed the future, then what are groups like the ABP and CCA doing to prevent it?