Oh and by the way Linda: I'm still a lttle sceptical about the chokecherries...and the rasberrys(1000 canes).. but she thinks we can rock and roll on syrup! I've got to admit the stuff she makes is dynamite! But will it sell?
Well, we'll see? Don't have to worry about it for a couple of years?
She does supply all the lettuce, onions, (very soon tomatoes) etc. for the concession stand from the garden so
that is an added bonus!(I'm thinking why not supply the beef patties?)
I'm actually feeling really excited about this whole deal! It's nice to know that maybe there is some sort of future in agriculture...even if it is very radical to the day when we just raised beef and grain!
Well, we'll see? Don't have to worry about it for a couple of years?
She does supply all the lettuce, onions, (very soon tomatoes) etc. for the concession stand from the garden so
that is an added bonus!(I'm thinking why not supply the beef patties?)
I'm actually feeling really excited about this whole deal! It's nice to know that maybe there is some sort of future in agriculture...even if it is very radical to the day when we just raised beef and grain!