Rsomer, I do believe that you are trying to compare apples and oranges with respect to the various entities, if I'm not mistaken.
Canada Beef Export Federation is a not-for-profit organization (I believe) and would have a different outcome than the boards of Cargill/Tyson and XL, which are purely profit driven in terms of getting a return for shareholders. What the packers are doing may not be morally or ethically correct, but as far as I can tell, they didn't break any laws, which Martha, the people at Enron and some of the others did. Enron manipulated the books and outright lied, which I don't think the packers have.
Your outrage is understandable given the current situation. The system under which the packers profitted was seriously flawed and forced producers into a bad situation, which persists to this day.
The ethical thing to do would be for the packers to drop their prices on beef so that more of this can be spread around. Thing is they won't and they haven't whenever the various meats have run into trouble. Let's face it, it isn't only the packers that are keeping the price of beef up in the store. What are retailers making right now?
Does anybody know if the packers are charging retailers and food service more, or are the windfall profits a result of being able to pay so little for the initial product?
It's easy to continue to blame the packers, but what are we - the producers, ABP, CCA, CBEF and whomever else you want to name, going to do about it? What do you want ABP to do for you? What should you be talking to your representatives and delegates about?
Now is the time for change.
Canada Beef Export Federation is a not-for-profit organization (I believe) and would have a different outcome than the boards of Cargill/Tyson and XL, which are purely profit driven in terms of getting a return for shareholders. What the packers are doing may not be morally or ethically correct, but as far as I can tell, they didn't break any laws, which Martha, the people at Enron and some of the others did. Enron manipulated the books and outright lied, which I don't think the packers have.
Your outrage is understandable given the current situation. The system under which the packers profitted was seriously flawed and forced producers into a bad situation, which persists to this day.
The ethical thing to do would be for the packers to drop their prices on beef so that more of this can be spread around. Thing is they won't and they haven't whenever the various meats have run into trouble. Let's face it, it isn't only the packers that are keeping the price of beef up in the store. What are retailers making right now?
Does anybody know if the packers are charging retailers and food service more, or are the windfall profits a result of being able to pay so little for the initial product?
It's easy to continue to blame the packers, but what are we - the producers, ABP, CCA, CBEF and whomever else you want to name, going to do about it? What do you want ABP to do for you? What should you be talking to your representatives and delegates about?
Now is the time for change.