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ccia tags

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    ccia tags

    I took 7 head to the sale barn. But my ccia tags in ears before they left barn. Sale barn charged me $17.12 and put more ccia tags in the other ear. So I guess I have 14 ccia tags on 7 animals all registered to me. I sure hope they are all heathy.

    That sounds backwards! I would be contacting the sale barn and asking what to heck is going on ( and demanding my $17 back). There is no way you should be charged (or the cattle even double tagged CCIA)when you already have them in place.

    Quebec has it's own tagging system - if the cattle were going there it would be the buyer's repsonsiblity not sellers.

    Good Luck


      Something smells funny here. It's illegal to double tag, and they should know that.

      I bet you were billed for tagging that didn't happen. Check it out.


        kato: I called the sale barn. The story is that I didn't tag the two cows. I told them I tagged them last week when they were to go and that I seen the taggs behind the fly tags at the barn. Told they would check it out but was very upset because was told the staff is very carefull and don't make mistakes. Even so 17.12 for 2 tags is pretty hefty I think. I can't prove any thing because its she said he said sort of thing. All I know is I tagged them, and I can't see the cows losing the tags in 6 days. Something fishie, I don't know but this is want I recieved for 7 head.
        1 cow 1685w $19.00 $320.15
        her heifer calf 340w $50.00 $170.00
        1 cow 1475w $19.50 $287.63
        her steer calf 450 $49.00 220.50
        1 steer calf 580w $65.00 $377.00
        1 heifer 575w $20.00 $115.00 (had pink eye but healed)
        1 steer 845w $40.00 $338.00
        (had pink eye but healed)
        Total $1828.28
        Check Total $1601.75
        Total Fees $212.00
        Total Tax 14.53

        Same buyer bought the cows 4 and 5 year olds also bought the heifer calf. Told the cows would be died tomarrow so don't worry about the taggs, if that is the case way did he buy the ones 4 month old heifer calf but not the steer calf on the other cow. I guess I should of asked but just got my check and got out of their. Didn't notice the charge for the tags till I got home. Also if the cows are going to be die tommarow I guess their isn't a back log of getting cows killed down here in the east. The 7 head were weighed empty also.


          Well looking at the prices Alicia got I suspect Nilson Bros. prediction of 40 cent steer calves this fall might not be too far off? Lets see that means about $240 for that 6 weight steer...probably $180 for the heifer? And Lord help you if you're cattle are a little bit off!
          Of course we could probably keep them over and hope like hell something changes...if we have the money/feed or a very understanding banker? And still the bills keep rolling in!
          I wonder how many people are going to get the word to sell at whatever price? From their understanding partner...the banker?
          Well Alicia, you've taken your beating for this year! The rest of us are about too! Hope 2005 is better.


            Alicia, would the buyer let you know what comes back on his kill sheet? How well do you know him?

            I wouldn't be surprised if he hears back about the double tags. Next time make them write 'tagged' on the paper when you drop cattle off. Then it's up to them.

            As for the prices, son of a gun, let's hold on to our hats, it's gonna be a long fall. (pun intended).

            Crappy fall prices will hopefully keep calves on the farm that would normally be sold, so it may slow the fall run. I know ours aren't going anywhere soon. If those of us who can feed them ourselves do so, it may take a bit of pressure off those selling. It may not help a lot, but every little bit helps. A few hundred taken out of every sale should add up at least a little bit, you would think.


              Cowman- No my betting is not over just yet. I still have 4 little steer calves born in April, and a little bull calf, one of two that I keep because they both looked good, but now the older one is just not up to want I think should be sold as a replacement bull so I plain to use the pintures.

              Kato- I do not know the name of the buyer just the number that he uses to bid. But I have heard no more from the sale barn, plan to ask next tueday.
              Will ask to know the new numbers that were asigned to my cows so that I can record it, but I just bet I do not get any ware because she seemed mad about all the paper work that they have to do know.
              This is one case that I as the customer am put in the position that The customer is not always right. LOL.


                Also I found out tonight that another guy had his animals taged that same night by the sale barn and he was only charged $5.00 a head, maybe he took his own tags to the barn, don't know.
                But I do know that I may as well forget the 17.12 because its my word over the sale barn and I can't prove that 2 tags go lost in the trucking from my place 20 minutes to the sale barn. Next time I go at the same time as the animals and make the guy sign that all animals have there tags. I had to get the sale barn to come and get the cattle because in Ontario ever year the truck and trailer has to pass a safty test, my truck will no longer pass safty. MTO catches me on the road and their would be h___ to pay.


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