First, let me remind you that Rcalf represents very few in the industry, but they need only be 1 to have standing in the courts. Their injuncton really amounts to fancy lawyering to pervert fairness. You can excuse them for doing their will, but their methoods have taken some cynical turns.
As for testing, creekstone is a small paker that can feasibly hold beef long enough to test it. No real inconveniance. IBP can have trucks, sitting outside, waiting to haul processed beef that is still alive. If they were to have to hang a few day's production waiting on a bse test, they'd be forced to run at perhaps 30% capacity until they built more space (which they could do in 60 days). I'm not surprised that the majors won the testing srandards because they simply have too much political juice.
As for testing, creekstone is a small paker that can feasibly hold beef long enough to test it. No real inconveniance. IBP can have trucks, sitting outside, waiting to haul processed beef that is still alive. If they were to have to hang a few day's production waiting on a bse test, they'd be forced to run at perhaps 30% capacity until they built more space (which they could do in 60 days). I'm not surprised that the majors won the testing srandards because they simply have too much political juice.