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reply to alicia on beef production

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    reply to alicia on beef production

    Your message to ponder is very interesting indeed! By reading this message you posted you just might think that the American Government is suffering from the NIMBY syndrome. That stands for "not in my backyard!" But lets face it this is not new , and lets not forget that in some of the southern states there is'nt a brand ID system as well. But our good ol boys in the U.S. government won't probably admit that either! Lets just try and comprehend the amount of cattle that moved back and forth from Mexico, Argintina, Venezuala, etc. into and out of the US prior to the may 20/03 date. To sat that our American Friends are BSE free is a moot point. They are not , however when the USDA is god down there they are damn well going to make it look that way! Like I have said before, if these countries want there beef in a box ,we should give it to them in a box! Our Friends in Mexico want to continue trading with us, so lets ship some cattle to the coast and take it down there!
    I want to stress that I don't hate American Ranchers, or the rest of them for that matter, but I do hate their policies on agriculture issues and how they deal with them, which in my opinion is a sophisticated form of mind control. Their foreingn policy is pretty pathetic as well when it comes right down to it. Thanks for letting me ramble!

    I still say that the cow came from the states with BSE and was planted on that farm. Pay back for not supporting our naighbours in the war. And we all know that our CCIA tags can be taken out of one cows ear and put in another.
    know DNA match found in Canada, figure it out.


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