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shakin the tree!

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    shakin the tree!

    I was thinking how when times get tough you have to do away with some of the "not as necessary" luxuries in order to make the farm stay above water......what about shakin the political tree a little and post a few salaries of our political so called allies or friends ..... maybe we could do without a few of them ..... perhaps then, there would be more help or money around?

    You might be onto something there bob. My thoughts would run to letting the public know just how much of the money that is paid to agriculture gets eaten up in administrative costs to run the programs.

    At the outset, the dollar amount sounds pretty good, but by the time the proverbial dust settles a sometimes significantly reduced portion makes it into the producers pocket.


      Tough times have to be spread around. Why do we need some "specialist" making 70 to 90 grand per year when we're losing that much per year? I think if a few of them were facing the same kind of doom we were things might start happening a little faster....I don't know about you guys but time is becoming very critical for me!


        bob- The fact of the matter is most of these so-called specialists really are not necessary. You can find out just about everything you need to know on the internet?
        In fact I would suggest a lot of these "specialists" aren't really living in the real world? Some of their solutions are just down right silly and can take the gullible down the wrong road?
        Consider how our "experts" and "specialists" in the various governments and cattle organizations have handled the BSE crisis? I never suspected you had to be a "specialist" to dither and wring your hands and do nothing?


          I guess a list of the job descriptions should be drawn up of the "get rid of" jobs and then a corresponding dollar value of what would be saved and perhaps some new job descriptions made out with a reasonable salary attached to it and taken to the top dog for review. wonder what old senator pal will take 3 years to screw that up...better do it myself about 85000 bucks a year till I get done sounds reasonable!


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