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cut the strings!

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    cut the strings!

    There is a lot of people who get paycheques from the department of agriculture ....... How do we go about firing most of them?

    I did always wonder about the department of Agr. getting payed by the goverment. And as the saying goes don't bite the hand that feeds you.
    We all are getting bite if you ask me.


      Also I guess that is why Martin appointed a Agr. Minister that has know history of Agr. and don't know one end of a cow from another.


        bob: How do we go about firing them?...
        Well we could have voted in a government that was interested in cutting costs and shrinking government rather than one that thrives on patronage and increasing the beuracracy?
        But seeing how we didn't I guess we'll just have to keep paying!


          the "right" party got in here as usual but was still not enough. Just seems to me that a few of those specialists" could look for other work like the rest of us.


            bob-b... have you checked out the cais program...on friday our ag. minister here in Alberta says cash strapped farmers should look into taking out cash advanced loans from the program...as for the specialist the government should have an expert on packing plants in learning where the money goes...good luck bob-b...


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