Cowman, yes there have been failures, but some business plans are obviously flawed. Future beef, which is now Creekstone got too beholding to Safeway - bad plan. Good management and good cattle have a reasonable chance of prosperity.
I say for a plant to open against the majors it needs to be producer owned and supplied - otherwise the majors will bid up the area with the upstart and subsidize with other plants.
Whoever had the idea to open a cow plant is looking at some real opportunity. A shorrt feeding period before slaughter really improves cow value.
I say for a plant to open against the majors it needs to be producer owned and supplied - otherwise the majors will bid up the area with the upstart and subsidize with other plants.
Whoever had the idea to open a cow plant is looking at some real opportunity. A shorrt feeding period before slaughter really improves cow value.