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Well Cowman and the like

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    Whiteface and Linda: I always consider everything before I commit any money! Maybe my cheap Scotch nature(sorry grassfarmer, but I'm Scotch!) or something. Seriously though, I was always taught to believe the old saying"A fool and his money are soon parted"?
    BSE has not been good to me. It in fact has pretty well ruined a whole lot of my beliefs! Frankly I've been fumbling the ball the whole way, which has me second guessing everything I do! Not a good thing.
    This is a totally weird thing for me as I suspect it has been for just about every other cattle producer in Canada?
    It hit me at a very bad time. I had vague plans of getting out anyway and BSE just complicated the whole darned thing! Now I have basically come to the conclusion that I'm going to take a bath, no matter what, and I need to get the hell out!
    But, be that as it may, I certainly don't want to see the industry that I loved more than life, go up in smoke! I hope some of these young guys can survive and I hope like hell they can make a go of it!


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