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What have the earley calves been selling for

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    What have the earley calves been selling for

    What have the early claves been selling for. I am hearing $1.00/lb

    A neighbour sold his 618 average steers for $1.00 on Tuesday, the heifer calves were .15 back. These were Limo cross off Limo/Sim cross cows


      650# calves at triple J in westlock alta 99/100$ heffers 12 to 15 back


        Son said he saw some 550 lb. steers go for $1.06 last week.
        I sure wish Safeway would put labels on the beef that read heifer or steer...then we could buy the cheap stuff?
        How come when my neighbor buys weiner pigs he pays the same for the females as the males? Maybe he should suggest a 15% discount on the gilts?
        I know the old garbage about a steer gaining more than a heifer, and I will agree that is partly true. But an exotic heifer will usually out grow a British bred steer, especially if she has an implant! I remember Rick Pascal telling me those big white heifers could perform as good as anything if you pushed them hard!


          Heifers, and especially exotic cross heifers will grade better at a smaller rail weight than steers as well.

          Ask Cargil what percentage of steers to heifer fit the sterling silver program?

          Once again nothing illegal here cowman, simply business.


            Geez guys if they're too cheap buy some more-heifers aren't that far back of steers and usually quality grade a bit better when finished.Remember when your cryin' you should be buying.


              The discount on heifers of $10.00 -$15.00 pwer cwt is more than justified. Heifers cost 10-12 percent more to feed than steers and can't be fed to the same weight in most cases as steers. It is true that they grade better than steers from a quality grade perspective and they do work well in the quality grade based grids. However when it comes to cutability (red meat yield per carcass) heifers (except the very best ) fall back quite a ways behind the steers as they simply get to fat in comparison. I'm not much intersted in feeding heifers period unless the price spread is at least $15.00/CWT assuming average heifer calves and average steer calves. The spread is typically narrower on yearling cattle.


                The main reason there is no real price differences in weaners is that while barrows grow faster, gilts are slower gaining but grade better than barrows in the end.


                  There is still some doubt about heifers and the border. That's probably got as much to do with it as anything.


                    Thanks Tom and Bfw for your explainations> Although Bfw your explanation actually told me how you have been screwing me all these years!
                    Sort of like the frozen ears BS right?
                    Hey no problem...if you can't get them fed right as calves, us old farmers will feed them out and reap the profit...just like we do with the frozen eared calves?
                    I guess this is one of the situations where it clearly shows that the feedlots can't do it like the farmer feeder! Hmmm? I wonder why if it was crooked deals like these that most cow/calf producers don't feel a lot of empathy for the big feed lots???
                    Maybe the feedlots need to get aligned with their natural buddies...the packers?


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