I will agree that I am feeling upbeat about the situation. I do believe this thing will be resolved in the not too distant future as long as we don't get another wreck? The fundamentals of the cattle business are actually not looking too bad. A lot of the speculators and fly by nighters are gone and the people who have hung in there are "survivors"! Feed is cheap and abundant!
I'm still holding my darned yearlings but my trigger finger is getting pretty itchy...probably move some this week! The boy wants to take over the cows so I guess I'll give them to him. I don't know if that is a good thing or not...? Gave him 480 acres a couple of years ago.
I told him I thought the darned cows weren't worth the effort but he's young and likes lots of work, so maybe he'll do okay.
I'm still holding my darned yearlings but my trigger finger is getting pretty itchy...probably move some this week! The boy wants to take over the cows so I guess I'll give them to him. I don't know if that is a good thing or not...? Gave him 480 acres a couple of years ago.
I told him I thought the darned cows weren't worth the effort but he's young and likes lots of work, so maybe he'll do okay.