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Calf set aside scheme

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    Calf set aside scheme

    This set-aside calf program doesn't seem to be working too well. How many will actually be able to take advantage of it? The Alberta Agriculture website now indicates that the eartags will be available in 3-4 weeks - late October. That would be bad enough but I spoke to my co-op rep today and they have still no clue of the details. He is very doubtful that it will be running by then as they don't know which company or companies will manufacture the tags - depending on the uptake of the scheme the companies may not be interested in making them. This is all taking away the options for producers who need to sell calves soon and maybe wanted to sell some once they were tagged. Once again a Government scheme that is heralded by a big cash payout announcement that doesn't find it's way into the hands of primary producers.

    I have to agree that this program is starting to appear a little shaky. Still not quite sure how it will work on presort sales although I guess by the time the tags come out the pre-sorts will be just about over?
    Another thing is this: If the border opens to bone in meat the set aside scheme is cancelled? I think the USDA expects to move on this in January? So how long will it take once you have applied/have the tags in until the money starts rolling? Will the government delay payment as long as possible if they suspect the border could open? Because once that border cracks I imagine that checkbook will be slammed shut pretty fast?
    This whole scheme is having an affect on the market as people pause and try to find out what are the implications of this program? However the fall run is definitely starting and a lot of calves are moving. When do the community pasture calves come off the grass and start hitting the market?


      Remember the TISP program? You know, the 80 dollars per head that was supposed to put cash in our pockets right away so we could carry on?

      Well, applications were in in March. We had ours in by fax within hours. First installment came, but not that fast. Where is the rest of our money????? It's been 7 MONTHS! They knew at the end of July how many cattle were enrolled. Why is it October, and still no final payment? They've been auditing guys in our neighbourhood already, and the second part of the program has yet to be paid.

      Anybody know anyone who has received a penny from CAIS? I don't.

      When they announce 'aid' now, quite frankly, I don't believe them. It's all a bunch of lip service and PR designed to make people think that they actually want to help.

      If you stall long enough, the problem may fix itself, and then you don't have to help. Meanwhile you can still tell people how wonderful you are for 'caring for farmers'.


        Well, nothing from CAIS yet...and did recieve $59.00 a head of the $80.00 a head program. Paid for a c-section bill.

        In-laws just sold their 'home' calves last week at Clyde. 82 good thick Char/Sim calves (fat and sassy...), and 4 late calves that were around the 400lb mark . They got low 90's on the steers and low 80's on the heifers.
        They haven't received the paperwork from the mart yet, but they did talk to a fellow there and they averaged $477.00 a head after deductions. When I helped load them, I'd have guessed the calves averaged close to 600lbs.

        I have yet to talk to anybody here in the Peace that's seriously considering going the 'hold-back' route. None of them have the extra feed for overwintering calves or grass for summer grazing them next year. And also coupled with the fact that so many people that held their calves back last fall hoping for better prices this year got burned, there's absolutely no confidence left in the CCA's latest scheme. Just looking at the amount of calves going through the auction rings already kind of confirms that to me. Seems like most folks are willing to take the money in their pocket now rather than gamble on another 'no-show' handout from the gov't.

        Take care. Hope everyone's getting a chance to get their feed up and in now that the weather's improved.


          Good post Kato. My feelings exactly. I am more than a bit cynical when I hear an announcement of an aid package in agriculture. Most of the time it is just a re-hash of something previously promised.
          I have a question regarding the $80 program. Did Alberta pay theirs out in total? Is the money we are waiting for the provincial share? Sask. NDP are always trying to welsh out on their share as the don’t expect many rural votes
          The feds just announced they got an EXTRA $600 million from the Petro-can sale. This is a good indication of how small and insignificant the rural economy is. That money came from investors who think peto-can is a good buy. Ranchers Choice thinks they can pay a packing plant out in a year and a half and are having trouble raising $2.5 million.


            Was audited yesterday and the fellow doing the auditing indicated that the balance of the $80.00 payment would be coming in late October.


              Well if there is more money coming...bring it on! I think I got the extra pay out but I'm not really sure... the boy gets stuck with handling all that sort of thing!
              However I am a firm believer in never looking a gift horse in the mouth, and I wiil always try to get my space at the trough if possible!
              Take your $200/calf and be happy. It's $200 dollars your average Joe isn't getting? Some of you big operators should be getting a check in the $32,000 area? Try comparing that to the $700-$800 a month some of these poor people get in welfare?


                Very little good feed in Eastern Ontario this year with all the rain, so what hay did come off ok is worth a bundle. There doesn't seem to be too much interest in a set-aside, but lots of talk of shooting the worst half of the cow herd and selling the best half of the hay crop and most people would come out WAAAYYYY ahead.


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