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ABP Annual report

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    ABP Annual report

    Has anybody received their 2004 ABP Annual report yet? With Fall producer meetings coming up fast surely we should be getting these reports soon. Or are ABP trying to keep it under the radar screen hoping we won't notice. They've been very quiet lately .... so quiet I wonder where they spend all the millions of $ of checkoff money. It doesn't seem to be spent furthering producers interests.

    Haven't seen an Annual report yet either grassfarmer, but heard a good bit of stuff out of ABP. Seems that they have fired Gary Sargeant. Don't kow much details, however this sounds good to me. I am not realy sure what this guy did, but he certainly had his nose in everything and had a solid opinion on the border issue being the end all to this crisis.

    I'm thinkin Dennis Laycraft with CCA should be next.

    Sounds like ABP has a new commitee looking at these Canadian owned packer proposals as well.

    Will learn more this week.


      When is the delegate election? Good luck to you Randy - I hope you are successful.


        Well maybe the ABP hasn't got enough money to print something out...why they may need to raise the checkoff again?
        Apparently the CCA must have some sort of pull with the feds, as it seems to me the last announced "solution to the crisis" was pretty much exactly what the CCA was asking for?
        In talking to a few old boys at the mart it seems there is a lot of suspicion about the $200/calf deal? The general consensus seems to be it is a gong show that will be a lot of paper work for little or no return? A whole lot of guys are going to hold their calves...not because they think much will change, but because they've got so darned much feed and it isn't worth anything! One guy told me no culls again for the second year! He said he might as well keep them because otherwise he'll be stuck with a big surplus of hay!...Look for an even bigger calf crop next year?


          cowman that is exactly what I am hearing in many places across the province. Lots of feed and older cows aren't worth anything so they will calve again in '05'. I haven't seen any ads for the ABP Zone meetings but they are usually in November in this area so likely there won't be anything in the local papers until toward the end of this month.
          Don't have a clue who is running in this zone with the exception of one fellow who is running for the county council in his area as well as ABP.


            Zone 6 meetings are Nov. 1 in Breton, 2nd in Ponoka,3rd in Camrose and 4th in Rolly View. Are you in zone 6 emerald1?


              Yes, I am in Zone 6


                Yes, I am in Zone 6


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