rsomer (alias farmers_son) Those of who serve the ABP and are as involved in the beef industry as much or more than you are resent the suspicion and conflict you continually cause. We resent being called liars and stupid sheep. We are cattle producers who are deeply concerned about our Alberta industry.
For your information here is a copy of the 2004 Annual report ***
Following changes implemented last
year to establish an elected cattle feeder council and direction from our annual general meeting last December, the board has developed the details of an industry council.
Membership in the council will include
representatives from the Alberta Auction Markets’ Association, Alberta Livestock Dealers’ Association and other provincial industry associations. The ABP annual
general meeting will then elect two industry
council delegates to the ABP board.
The development of an industry council
should serve to more effectively bring the
industry together around the current crisis
and other challenges in the future.
You continually stir the pot, twisting events and information to make yourself look like a white knight. Your fellow ABP delegates know better and know who you are. What a jackass.
For your information here is a copy of the 2004 Annual report ***
Following changes implemented last
year to establish an elected cattle feeder council and direction from our annual general meeting last December, the board has developed the details of an industry council.
Membership in the council will include
representatives from the Alberta Auction Markets’ Association, Alberta Livestock Dealers’ Association and other provincial industry associations. The ABP annual
general meeting will then elect two industry
council delegates to the ABP board.
The development of an industry council
should serve to more effectively bring the
industry together around the current crisis
and other challenges in the future.
You continually stir the pot, twisting events and information to make yourself look like a white knight. Your fellow ABP delegates know better and know who you are. What a jackass.