I see in the news that Ontario MP Carolyn Parrish has developed another case of verbal diarhea. Since Mr.Martin or the voters in her riding don't seem to have the class to rein her in,maybe some of you other Ontarians could step in and do our country a favor. Maybe someone could sit her down and explain the concepts of diplomacy and statesmanship to her.If that doesn't work maybe duct tape her fat mouth shut!!
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Carolyn Parrish
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"explain the concepts of diplomacy and statesmanship to her". Maybe while you are at it you would care to explain the concepts of diplomacy and statemanship to Bush and the Republicans who attempted to destory the United Nations and attack Iraq and other innocent countries for the very worst of reasons. Yes this may not be the best time to point out the shortcomings of the U.S. administration but in Canada we still believe in freedom of speech.
We are told that Bush will open our borders, lets hope that is right. Does that make his foreign policy right, no it doesn't. It does highlight the need for Canada to have a strong independent agriculture so as a nation we can speak up against tyranny and injustice whenever and whereever we see it. One more reason why we need a Canadian packing industry.
If the U.S. controls our agricultural infrastructure then they can influence and control our Canadian foreign policy and our ability as a nation to take independent international stands for what is good and right.
I don't know if I agree with everything that Ms. Parrish says... but I like this lady!
She has "testicular fortitude"! Something other political figures lack. She speaks her mind, and passes on the feelings of many Canadians in her riding, without the fear of what the "Party" or "Leader" think!
I think it's called "freedom of speech", and it's one of the things that makes Canada, a Great Country to live in!
It does leave one wondering what is going to happen in the short term when Bush vows not to give up on the war on terror and the war in Iraq.
I also wonder how many strings are going to be attached to the border opening and what unspoken agreements are going to have to be adhered to in order to get that border open.
The biggest mystery to me is why we seem to be so complacent about waiting for the border to open so that things can happen as before. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Guess that holds true for a great many things.
The point I am trying to make has NOTHING to do with the "right or wrong" about the war in Iraq.It has everything to do with a member of our federal government publicly insulting the President of the US and the 51% of voters who re-elected him.I don't have the exact quote in front of me but her words were to the effect "Bush is warlike...this just shows how out of touch the American people are....blah,blah,blah."
Put the shoe on the other foot for a minute....WHAT IF a member of congress or cabinet in the US had made similar remarks ,in public,about Canadians who re-lected the Liberals,being "out of touch with reality"?????
I suspect that Ms.Parrish would bluster away ad nauseum about how inappropriate those remarks were and would scream loud and long for a public apology.
Funny you people should mention "freedom of speech" while defending a Liberal MP!!!! Let's see...how many gag laws have the liberals brought in???? Maybe she should be charged with "promoting hatred against an identifiable group"!!
Thats the thing about you Liberals,its do as I say not as I do and I want it both ways!!!!!
The point is ,a representative of of the Govt.of Canada should show a little more class than your Ms. Parrish!!
think about all the things individual american legislators have said about canada or other countries and you'll see that parrish would fit right in down south. she is no different from byron dorgan, tom daschle, jesse helms or a bunch of other respected (at least by some) americans.
I gotta kinda lean with bombay on this one Joe. We may not always agree with what outspoken people have to say, but at least they say it. One always hopes that there isn't mental constipation and verbal diarrhea when people speak, but sometimes it happens.
I'll play devil's advocate here and ask can one deny that Mr. Bush is warlike, particularly when he continues to make statements about not giving up the war on terror etc.? Sometimes the truth hurts or is ugly, but it is still the truth. He has no more right to bring democracy to the middle east than they have to bring their ideals to us in the West.
I don't support the Liberals, so I can't be accused of defending them. I will support being tactful and respectful when telling the truth.
I would suggest that Paul Martin should be sitting down with Ms. Parrish and telling her to keep her mouth shut? What is the point of saying inflamatory things when it isn't going to accomplish anything anyway?
George Bush made a major error when he decided to go on his little adventure in Iraq. He now has a tiger by the tail and can't let go! The American people are going to get their lesson...they don't need some idiot in Canada telling them how stupid they were!
If Martin doesn't sit on her real hard, he is only going to send the message that the Liberal government agrees with what she said? He can shut her up if he wants to. It's called party discipline and he has the power to get it done.
I agree 100% cowman ! If Martin really wanted to he has options which would certainly shut his loose cannon up, including dismissing her from the party. Her stupidity reflects on all Canadians, and it is the Prime Ministers duty to deal with it before she makes us look even more foolish.
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