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Carolyn Parrish

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    Let's take a look at what Joe had to say in his first posting. Something about maybe people in Ontario could get her to keep her mouth shut.

    This I totally agree on. Those within her own contituency, have every right to deal with her. They voted her in, and she is suppose to represent their views.

    Just because we, or the "party" or the "leader" may not agree with those views, does not mean that she does not have the right to speak them.

    So 51% of Americans voted for Mr. Bush. Keep in mind the other 49 voted against him. Maybe Parrish has a better understanding than the rest of us do, when it comes to US relations.

    I hate the idea that so called "gag orders" can exist. Who gets the next order to "shut up"? Our agriculture minister?

    If you can't call it, as you see it, someone else is running your thoughts, and freedom no longer exists!

    Incidently, I do not support the liberals either!


      As Bombay has pointed out 49% of the Americans did not support Bush either. Does that mean that they aren't allowed to speak out against Bush?

      Who among us has not said the right thing at the right time and tasted a little shoe leather? Granted, leaders should be held to a higher standard but they are still human.

      I'm really beginning to get concerned about how our individual rights and freedoms are slowly being eroded away, as is our ability to speak our minds. Political correctness has gone WAY, WAY overboard so much so that we cannot even say Merry Christmas anymore without fear of offending someone.

      Mr. Bush himself declared that anyone who didn't stand with the US was as good as being a terrorist themselves.

      Our most basic and fundamental right should be to be able to speak our minds - the responsibility to know when to make those statements also lies with us.

      If we cannot question leaders or have the expectation to be heard, then what have we got?


        I agree that we should have the right to speak our minds, BUT an elected official, municipal, provincial or federal is fully aware that anything they say reflects on their party or government, and they should confine their personal views to matters that will not embarass their country.


          farmers-son I just about choked when I read your comments about the wonderful United Nations. You do know plenty about about the beef industry but your view of wordly politics is sadly quite shallow.
          I would like to suggest that you go to the rural issues section and look up; Chirac's War for Oil ...Canadian connection?? entered on May 4th.

          This information has been widely written about and it is clearly a given that the United Nations is corrupt to the core and Jean Creatian and his French conection in no way were driven because of some high moral principle.


            Bombay: Ms. Parrish is definitely representing her constituents views. I believe the area she represents is heavily Moslem and they share her obvious hate of the USA?
            I would agree that she has a right to voice her opinion on George Bush and the USA. However every Canadian needs to realize just how much a loose cannon like this hurts our interests? Perhaps we need to stand up and condemn her for what she is? Her rantings are money out of our pockets? And while I think George Bush made a huge mistake going to war in Iraq, I would rather stand with him than with a bunch of murdering terrorist animals!
            George Bush was not elected because he went to war in Iraq? He was elected because the 51% believed in his vision of America? He stood up for things like family values, less abortion, no same sex marriage? That is what really got him elected and that in reality is what burns Liberals like Parrish?


              Maybe all our ultra-liberal movie stars that made their fortunes in the US, but now want to leave the country since GW was re-elected, will move to Ontario. Turn it into the California of Canada....

              And as far as the UN goes- Canada can have that too. How about a trade- you guys take California and the UN and we'll take all your beef?


                Out of curiosity, how are her rantings money out of our pockets? How often have the various leaders of the different levels of government said something and NOT been apologetic about it, or given an apology that was luke-warm at best?

                If we don't have people who will stand up and challenge the status quo, then we are surely doomed. I agree with the comments that it could be stated in a less inflamatory manner with regard to how it will reflect on others.

                Having said that though, do we just keep taking whatever is dished out by the schoolyard bully?


                  cowman is right; also I have it on good authority from some one that works there that in our National Reaserch Council in a department that does work for the Canadian Armed Forces 90% of the employees are Muslim.

                  One other point, America is not hated because of George Bush...George Bush is hated because he is American.

                  It has been the intent of the liberal left to hate America for many many years in our country and I remember a time when NDP MLA's in Manitoba burnt the American flag in the city streets.

                  So if they are loosing patence with us ...is it any wonder.


                    There are times when, as bombay so eloquently put it, that one has to have the testicular fortitude to tell the emporer he is wearing no clothes, don't you think?


                      Let us never forget this one thing...We are all Americans...North Americans!
                      Yes George W screwed up! Hey how many times have our clowns screwed up?
                      The important thing to remember now is this: We have a way of life here and values that are commonly shared? We might differ slightly on how we see that, but defacto, we are one people? The guy in Montana wants the same darned thing that the guy in Lethbridge wants?
                      Quite frankly I am disgusted that some raghead bastard wants to ruin our world(sorry if that offends...but sometimes you have to say it as it is!)
                      For all our differences the Bloody Americans are as about as close to kin folk as there is!


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