Cowman, once again you have me grinning! (and shaking my head!)
I have always felt, that “Kin folk” are great….
When they are hanging in a picture frame on my wall.
That way, when I get tired of them…
I can turn their picture around!
I think if you checked with our “kin folk” in states that are located a little further away than Montana, they do not want the same things as folks in Lethbridge. In fact, many believe that we up here in Canada, dress in seal skin coats, speak french, live in igloos, and most of us, get around in dog sleds! Those of us that are not Eskimos, or Frenchmen, are of Middle Eastern decent, and are secretly training to once again send our elite across the border! Many Americans, really don’t have a basic understanding of Canadians, and don’t wish to learn about us. While I agree that most of our “bordering” states have the same needs and wishes as us, the majority of American people really don’t perceive us as “kin”.
Perhaps what we need to promote, is an “cultural exchange” that does not cater to overseas citizens, but across-the-border citizens. People on our own continent, have less of an understanding of us, than people in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, etc. The only Americans that I see up in NE Alberta, are big game hunters, who really don’t have any concept of the problems that exist here, because of any border closures.
Although I share your sentiments, I inwardly bless the fact that it is Carolyn Parrish, and not you that got up and spoke on national television!
While it is true that we can NOT choose our family, we Canadians sat quietly by, (being diplomatic and statesmanshiply) and allowed these large number of Moslems to immigrate into our “multi cultural” country. We also sat by, and allowed our traditional RCMP to become a laughing stock! Maybe, if we had an MP who was not afraid of the “party”, the ”leader” or of being “politically correct”, we would not now, have turbans as an accepted part of our RCMPs uniform!
Perhaps, if such an MP had existed, we would be tolerant of “Gay” people, (and I don’t mean “happy”) but wouldn’t have to endure a national “Gay Pride” day and a large parade! We would have abortions, back in the hands of “patient and doctor confidentiality”, and away from politics and religion, because like it or not, there are medical reasons why abortion should have it’s place. Family Values? Those are taught by the family, not pushed by politicians, but we should all have the freedom, to teach our children, our own family values! Just because one child, in a classroom of 30 children, does not want the “Lords Prayer” to be recited, it becomes politically incorrect to recite it!
It seems to me, that there are times, our democracy ceases to exist, when things have to be “politically correct”!
I have always felt, that “Kin folk” are great….
When they are hanging in a picture frame on my wall.
That way, when I get tired of them…
I can turn their picture around!
I think if you checked with our “kin folk” in states that are located a little further away than Montana, they do not want the same things as folks in Lethbridge. In fact, many believe that we up here in Canada, dress in seal skin coats, speak french, live in igloos, and most of us, get around in dog sleds! Those of us that are not Eskimos, or Frenchmen, are of Middle Eastern decent, and are secretly training to once again send our elite across the border! Many Americans, really don’t have a basic understanding of Canadians, and don’t wish to learn about us. While I agree that most of our “bordering” states have the same needs and wishes as us, the majority of American people really don’t perceive us as “kin”.
Perhaps what we need to promote, is an “cultural exchange” that does not cater to overseas citizens, but across-the-border citizens. People on our own continent, have less of an understanding of us, than people in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, etc. The only Americans that I see up in NE Alberta, are big game hunters, who really don’t have any concept of the problems that exist here, because of any border closures.
Although I share your sentiments, I inwardly bless the fact that it is Carolyn Parrish, and not you that got up and spoke on national television!
While it is true that we can NOT choose our family, we Canadians sat quietly by, (being diplomatic and statesmanshiply) and allowed these large number of Moslems to immigrate into our “multi cultural” country. We also sat by, and allowed our traditional RCMP to become a laughing stock! Maybe, if we had an MP who was not afraid of the “party”, the ”leader” or of being “politically correct”, we would not now, have turbans as an accepted part of our RCMPs uniform!
Perhaps, if such an MP had existed, we would be tolerant of “Gay” people, (and I don’t mean “happy”) but wouldn’t have to endure a national “Gay Pride” day and a large parade! We would have abortions, back in the hands of “patient and doctor confidentiality”, and away from politics and religion, because like it or not, there are medical reasons why abortion should have it’s place. Family Values? Those are taught by the family, not pushed by politicians, but we should all have the freedom, to teach our children, our own family values! Just because one child, in a classroom of 30 children, does not want the “Lords Prayer” to be recited, it becomes politically incorrect to recite it!
It seems to me, that there are times, our democracy ceases to exist, when things have to be “politically correct”!