Can someone tell me how many 8-9 weight feeders you could get on a regular size cattle liner? Thank you.
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Liner capacity?
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grassfarmer, capacity is 61,000 to 63,000 pounds, depending on number of animals. I would put 68 to 70 9 weights or 76 to 78 8 weights. we normally put 41-43 pairs on in the spring for a 5 hour trip with no problems and 60 1000 to 1050 yearlings in the fall.
Why is it you just bring up the federal policys that are stupid we have our own here in alta but it seems when anyone trys to question the alta follys it starts a fed bashing party instead of any credable answers . I would like to see some of the provincial waste expresed at least as much as the feds because when the feds waste a dollar it is actualy only 10 cents of my money because we are about 10% of canadians.
Mabey Ralph has played the fed liberal card so ofte that we cant see anything except liberal red.
Why is it you just bring up the federal policys that are stupid we have our own here in alta but it seems when anyone trys to question the alta follys it starts a fed bashing party instead of any credable answers . I would like to see some of the provincial waste expresed at least as much as the feds because when the feds waste a dollar it is actualy only 10 cents of my money because we are about 10% of canadians.
Mabey Ralph has played the fed liberal card so ofte that we cant see anything except liberal red.
A tandem axle pot hauls about 52,000lbs. a triaxle hauls about 64,000lbs. On7-8weight cattlle they shouldn't be very crowded to load to proper weight.
Was talking to my buddy the brand inspector the other day-he'd just checked 7 loads of pairs out the day before and every trucker wanted to load different-I find that too somew guys are good at herding a triaxle down the road but not so great at math lol.
Horse; did you just get here. I have posted plenty about Alberta much of which should have shown you that when the feds waste money an Albertan is getting the shaft far more than any other Canadian. Do some reading!
Why shouldn't the federal government take more from Alberta? They know darned well they can? The people of Alberta don't seem to care...they just continue to send the check!
Why should Martin give one rip about Alberta? No one voted for him here other than the old commies up in Redmonton? Which gave us that outstanding halfwit we have in cabinet...shrill Annie!
Every Albertan should understand how we've gotten screwed....but they don't do anything about it? They continue to elect governments that bow down to Ottawa and worship their masters in Quebec! Pretty sad.
I just have to ask this - just what is it that you guys seem to want so much more of? We enjoy a relatively good standard of living in this province, although I must say that there are some real social problems cropping up.
What more do you want? The more we keep in this province, the worse the corruption that is so vehemently denounced elsewhere will become here.
How much is enough? Will it ever be enough?
I just don't get it. We need to be grateful for what we have, not covet what we don't.
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