There has been a wealth of reports and information put forward over the years by academics that show that Western Canada could stand alone and be, better off. It could be a wealthy independent nation. Bigger in area, and population, than many countries. I would submit that had the litany of grievances articulated by many political movements in Western Canada over the past 70 years been imposed on Western Canada in just the past 10 years there would be no question as to what would be under way now. We are like the frog in the frying pan…instead of being plopped into the hot frying pan … with the obvious reaction. The heat has been turned up slowly. To some it feels just right, to others its way to hot but we are to light headed now to figure out what’s going on. This is the way tyranny operates.
Cakado do you have any kids working in Alberta. Are they making 40 to 50,000 per year? If so do you like it that they are subsidizing the Doctor in the Maritimes makeing $100,000 per year.
If I covet any thing, it is what we have rightfully earned, and have been robbed of. You know this... but your liberal sentiments and contraryism get in the way of accepting the more forcefull reaction by some of us.
And by the way, political corruption is the result of unaccountability not prosperity!!
Cakado do you have any kids working in Alberta. Are they making 40 to 50,000 per year? If so do you like it that they are subsidizing the Doctor in the Maritimes makeing $100,000 per year.
If I covet any thing, it is what we have rightfully earned, and have been robbed of. You know this... but your liberal sentiments and contraryism get in the way of accepting the more forcefull reaction by some of us.
And by the way, political corruption is the result of unaccountability not prosperity!!