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Liner capacity?

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    There has been a wealth of reports and information put forward over the years by academics that show that Western Canada could stand alone and be, better off. It could be a wealthy independent nation. Bigger in area, and population, than many countries. I would submit that had the litany of grievances articulated by many political movements in Western Canada over the past 70 years been imposed on Western Canada in just the past 10 years there would be no question as to what would be under way now. We are like the frog in the frying pan…instead of being plopped into the hot frying pan … with the obvious reaction. The heat has been turned up slowly. To some it feels just right, to others its way to hot but we are to light headed now to figure out what’s going on. This is the way tyranny operates.
    Cakado do you have any kids working in Alberta. Are they making 40 to 50,000 per year? If so do you like it that they are subsidizing the Doctor in the Maritimes makeing $100,000 per year.
    If I covet any thing, it is what we have rightfully earned, and have been robbed of. You know this... but your liberal sentiments and contraryism get in the way of accepting the more forcefull reaction by some of us.

    And by the way, political corruption is the result of unaccountability not prosperity!!


      When you say 41-43 pairs ,how do you load them?
      I have about 40 pairs grazing 17 miles away and don't have good sorting corrals there. I have never had pairs there before .
      How about trailing them home? 17 miles is further than I have ever done.What is easier, hauling or trailing?


        We haul our cows back and forth all the time. In semis and in our own trailer. With the semi, we sort them going in, and put calves in some compartments, cows in others. We'll fill the stock trailer with calves.

        When we haul with our own trailer, it depends on how far we are going, and how big the calves are. If it's from a close pasture, we'll mix them in the trailer, as long as the calves are a good size. We are very careful not to put too many in though. Really small calves, we save up and put in a partial load.

        If you're going to wean them anyway, sorting into the truck is the best way to do it. Get the stress over with all at once. Vaccinate them coming off, and you're done. If you can leave the cows behind for a few days, that would be even better. They don't run off, they just hang around the corral.

        They also come running when they see you come back with the trailer to pick them up! LOL


          Coruption is from unacoutability. Boy thats just what I have been saying and we have no acoutibility in alta just blame the feds not that they dont deserve it but the voters in alta has no right to throw stones.
          And yes I have kids working in alta unfortunatly not in the oil patch so yes they are subsidizing the oil workers .
          comsultants 1000/1200 per day plus exp
          battery operators 5/800 per day
          land men truck drivers, operators, pick and shovel crews, all of these are grosley over paid just because this govmt gives OUR oil away not the P>C> s oil they couldnt run a popsicle stand without mega bucks and still all you do is point out the feds . I recall a statement of long ago Get your own house in order before you run someone elses. So why dont you try that and see what happens.


            What in heavens name have we EARNED in terms of the natural resources? They were here long before we were and sadly they won't be here long after we're gone. Seems to me that we are exploiting them and then crying foul because we don't get to keep everything. We are very fortunate to have what we have here in Alberta.

            For every report that you have on separation, there is likely one for staying together, so that dog don't hunt.

            I understand that you (and others) feel like we have been mistreated. I just don't happen to agree with it. When you have more, you pay more isn't that the way it works?


              Horse; never have you read anything that I have posted that praised your liberal premier and if you want to start a movement to expose the waste and corruption in Alberta I'm all for it!!

              Cakado; I have pointed this out to you before. If you think that Alberta's properity is ONLY the result of the exploration of its resourses then please explain Venezuala and a host of other countries and yes even my province where there are also vast resourses??


                Horse: Somehow you are down on the oil industry and I don't know why? You seem to think all the people involved in producing oil and gas in Alberta are overpaid? The fact is this: Any of these people could go to Alaska or Saudi Arabia, or the North Sea and probably make a hell of a lot more...so they aren't overpaid...they are just making the same kind of money(or less) than every other country.It's called supply and demand?
                Linda: How have we "earned" this resource? Well let me try to answer that: When oil and gas was first discovered here it was considered a pretty risky business. The eastern bankers/businessmen wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! It took Alberta entrepreneurs(as well as a lot of Americans) to get out there and turn it into an industry! We should never forget that before the sixties we were a have not province and only through our own efforts did we pull ourselves up by the bootstraps! We got no help from the blood suckers in Ottawa/Toronto?Montreal! Maybe we should all read the story of the little red hen?
                On top of that look at what oil and gas is: It is a resource, no different than the land? Our anscestors paid a heavy price to settle this land and turn it into a productive place to live and work? Now I'm not just too sure of your political beliefs on this, but I believe a person should have the right to pass their property onto their offspring? But if you buy into my beliefs then we have a "birth right"
                to own this property? So I believe that my mineral rights are mine...bought and paid for by my anscestors? Now that does not mean I should piss them away, (in my view I am the keeper of the land/resources), but without a doubt that should be up to me?
                I always get a little uneasy when people start to suggest that we should be more open to sharing our bounty with other provinces! I'm all for sharing but to what end? So they can use that money to keep being decadent and lazy? So they can use that money to subsidize our competition in other industries? Isn't this exactly what has happened in Quebec?
                Steven Harper said it very well when he told the old boys down east...Get off your duffs and help yourselves(and incidently God told Job, in the bible)! Welfare without any strings attached is a terrible thing?


                  Cowman, your explanation does make some sense. Where I come from on this issue is that we have exploited - not explored - what was here, we are only borrowing the resources that the land has to offer and we should be leaving it in a better state than what we found it.

                  The land reclamation process after the oil and gas companies have been in is a joke, it's not enforced and with the amount of money that is made from these natural resources, will it ever be taken seriously?

                  Today of all days, we should be grateful for what we have instead of wanting more and grateful to those that gave their lives so that we could sit back and say we don't have it all.


                    Using the term "exploit" betrays your bias, sounds like the NDP mentality in my province where we have blocked such development and left it in the ground, scared to death someone might get rich from it and exported our kids instead. The oil and gas industry has UTILIZED” that resource, to the great benefit of all Albertans. Those farms and ranches that have had activity on their land have enjoyed a direct benefit and without such would not be viable. Some even use the funds to invest in Saskatchewan and many other ares of the ecomomy.Thank God.

                    Cakado your view seems very shallow! I am sure if you tried you would find that the economic spin off impact of the oil and gas sector is far beyond anthing you can imagine, the spin off investments reaching into areas that would surprise even you.

                    Your view and others seems to be that the only reason for Albertan prosperity is oil and gas. I have asked you to explain Venezuala...with great natural resorces, or how about Japan with little in the way of natural resorces. Come on take a stab at it.

                    One other thing...
                    "necessity is the mother of invention" and when the need, real need, for alternate means of propulsion and heat etc. become relevent believe me it will become a reality. Not every thing is doom and gloom.


                      I would say that I'm surprised at the judgments and what is assumed to be known about myself or anyone else who does not subscribe to some of the views espoused here or the writings of Mr. Byfield.

                      All I know for sure is that I see it one way - you see it another and neither of us is wrong. I have said that I understand where you are coming from, I just don't happen to agree with it. Understanding does not mean agreement.

                      Nuff said.


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